Black Eagles A unexpected Awakening

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The Black Eagles were on their way back from Garreg Mach, which turned out to be a mission to eliminate bandits but instead became a rescue mission of a student who had been kidnapped at the end of the previous year. Little did they know they would have pursuers in black cloaks with red stripes.

"Interesting. Itachi-san, these are just kids, and one of our potential targets is with them. This could be our opportunity."

Itachi silenced him with one motion of his hand.

"Our mission is to silence the girl, Monica. Nothing more. Kisame didn't buy it."

"Our goal is to make it look like our mission was to eliminate the girl, but that's not what we're going to do is it?Anything that undermines our enemies, we will do so accordingly. This girl's escape will set them back."

Do we at least get to fight the famous mercenary on this continent? I've heard interesting things about the Ashen Demon Byleth Eisner; I would love to test my blade against him.

He said with a look of bloodlust.

"Remember the plan", he sighed. they both did the jitsu to create a shadow clone; it wouldn't have their full power, but it would do their real mission, which wasn't even to pursue the children from the Black Eagles.

"The chalice of beginnings", that's our goal, isn't it? Itachi-san asked Kisame curious

"Yes, but first we're going to pay a visit to Orochimaru so he won't get any ideas about betraying the Akatsuki. We must remind him who he works for."

They headed in the direction where Orochimaru would be. He was disappointed, but he knew he would have another chance, assuming the Ashen Demon survived.

It had been four days. It was difficult for her to believe four days earlier she could have died and no one would remember her except Edelgard. She looked at her, so peaceful in her sleep, she never thought she'd ever hold her again or see her face again. The person who saved her, Hinata, she is forever grateful to her. She saved her from a gruesome end and brought her back to her beloved. She got out of the tent and then noticed Hinata was on watch; it was her turn. She looked at her and then spoke softly and quietly, due to everyone being asleep.

"You should get some sleep, Moni-chan!" Hinata said in her language. Monica was happy that she was called out to her using her childhood nickname that she used when they met in the Hyuga compound seven years ago. Even though there was another person, a boy named Dimitri, those were some of the happiest times she had; it was before Edelgard lost all of her siblings almost feels like a lifetime ago.

"It seems you haven't changed, Hina Chan!" Monica replied in Hinata's language. She sat down next to her old friend. It had been seven years since she couldn't help but notice how beautiful Hinata has become; however, not in the same way she finds Edelgard beautiful, but still beautiful nonetheless.

"I wish we could have met again under different circumstances. There's so much I want to talk about" Hinata said, she feels the same way; she never thought she would ever see Hinata again." So you chose Lady Edelgard; somehow I knew you would." She said with a smile." She is strong. I wish I could be more like her, compared to her. I feel so insignificant" Monica could relate to that due to her experience." I don't think you give yourself enough credit; without you, I would not be alive now. I owe you my life. I almost gave up on life and" she looked at the tent where Edelgard was." you don't have to say anymore; I know" Hinata replied.

"You don't have a problem with it?" She asked, wanting to make sure.

"Why would I? You love each other; what does it matter?" This was surprising, considering her upbringing in the Hyuga Clan. The Hyuga Clan is known to be socially conservative in their values and not tolerant of homosexuality.

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