Black Eagles the rescue of Monica von Ochs

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 In the abandoned fortress of the formerly Iron King Thieves.

It was dark and it was gloomy. She had lost track how many days it has been since she had last stepped outside. She was on the verge of graduating until she was kidnapped. She had no idea where she was she was scared. The possibility of her dying was extremely high and her chances of getting out alive were nonexistent as much as she wanted to surrender and accept her fate Monica can't bring herself to do so. The one thing everyone who knew her recognized was her dark red hair and red eyes. She was known for having a great memory and she suspected this was the reason she was targeted. She heard footsteps and she recognized this woman, the same woman that terrorized her and tormented her every day. Her skin complexion was definitely white she looked like a zombie for some creature out of the nightmare, her hair was orange and she had clothing that left little to the imagination.

"Oh my dear little Monica, how is your day today?" Kronya asked cruelly this woman was a sadist. Monica knew this she enjoyed torturing her victims. What perplexed her is why was she still alive?"not going to say anything? You're defiance, it's so adorable. I know in your eyes you are terrified. Do you have any idea what kind of fate I have in store for you?"she asked mockingly she didn't want to give her the pleasure she would not show her that she was scared. She refused to do that she refused to die giving her enemy satisfaction."I could see in your eyes you're scared. Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to your precious Edelgard? Oh I will act like you for a time acting like everything is normal she will think I am you and the torment on her face when she realized you're dead. The look on her face it'll be so glorious and she won't be able to do anything because she's working with us"she would not react, she would not react.

"You're no fun, enjoy what little time you have left you pathetic beast" Kronya said, disappointed that she didn't get the entertainment she wanted. Monica made a sigh of relief she didn't know how much longer she could endure these torturous sessions it would only be a matter of time before she did some untold things to her she heard rumors of what Cornelia the woman that she was before and after could that be that's what's going to happen to her? The idea terrified her were they really wear her skin as a piece of clothing she shivered. A quick death would be preferable than having herself slowly being devoured."I wish I could have seen you one last time El and told you how much you mean to me"Monica was resigned to her fate. It would be a miracle if she would ever see Edelgard once again but if she somehow survived she would never be helpless again.

She didn't know if the goddess would answer but she prayed and hope beyond hope that the goddess would answer if she existed.

It had been 3 days since they left the monastery. It was mostly in silence, they and a Rocky mountains. There was some grass on the road but barely anyone said anything since they left the monastery. Marianne couldn't help it feel something in the air. Edelgard the way she carried herself she was in a hurry she was extremely worried about something. She was riding alongside Byleth Dote and Sora were not happy and could feel the tension in the air and the darkness. She hopes that she isn't the cause of it. She told herself she couldn't appear weak in front of Byleth or her friends. She did not want him to regret having her transfer her time in the Black Eagles. She had to learn a lot even in a short time, felt more confident than she ever had before she wonders if Hilda is okay? She's worried about her. This is the longest time that she'd ever spent not seeing her; it made her uncomfortable. Hilda is her best friend her friend since childhood. She hopes nothing happens to her on her mission. Byleth was looking at her in concern when they were out of earshot from the others he spoke.

"Are you okay?"he asked her."I'm worried about Hilda,"she answered."oh I wouldn't worry about her, she's much stronger than she appears. She has reliable friends in the Golden Deer  after all Naruto being one of them. I think she's in good hands"he said to reassure her it didn't."you don't have to hide anything from me, you know that. I'm here for you Mari you don't ever have to hide anything from me"she felt like she could trust him she didn't know why."It's just so new to me. I just don't want to be a burden on anyone."nothing was said for a few moments until he responded."you're not a burden to me Hinata and Bernadetta are happy that you're their friend I think Hilda is too"he wanted to say more she can tell but they weren't able to do to the group catching up.

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