specter of the past part 1 the sacred sword

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at an unknown location 2 months earlier

Solon was beyond enraged over what happened 2 months ago. Everything that could have gone wrong did. The girl Monica was not dead; she was alive. He had been exposed, and Edelgard, was supposed to be their little pawn, but she had turned against them.

He was waiting for his fellow Agarthans to discuss their next course of action; the Akatsuki were also another thing to consider. Those damn beast. Then he saw images start to appear of agents in other parts of the world.

First among them was Volkhard von Arundel, the uncle of Edelgard and Dimitri.

"So the girl has decided to defy us and thinks that we are foolish enough not to stay in our good graces by playing ignorant." Thales said with contempt over the foolish action of the beast.

"To think that Hinata would defy fate that was chosen for her and choose Edelgard instead of Dimitri, which should have been Sasuke Uchiha in the Black Eagles, he would have made an excellent pawn because of his hatred against Itachi, that includes him working with us, it was the perfect plan. Damn that girl."

Said a redhead woman named Cornelia whose real name was actually Cleobulus.

"I found something interesting before I left. The child of one of our experiments is in Garreg Mach. She's around 17 years of age. The girl has long purple hair and is a spitting image of her mother, the woman who betrayed us." Solon said with hatred, even thinking about the woman who the girl was the daughter of.

"That failed experiment? Means nothing to us unless you have something interesting to report. I don't want to hear about a failed experiment." Thales said dismissively.

"That girl managed to defeat one of the seven swordsmen of the mist. I don't think that is something we should overlook." said a man with bandages on half of his face. The architect of the Uchiha clan massacre recently joined. They don't normally allow humans to join their organization, especially from foreign lands. However, Donzo's goals were heavily aligned with theirs.

"That girl's defiance has set back our plans, but luckily for us, the Akatsuki are not aware that Itachi Uchiha is our agent. The Empire will still be firmly under our control."

He didn't like this human, but he knew he was useful. The Root organization made things extremely difficult for their enemies, and having spies still in the monastery, in the headquarters quarters of their enemies, despite their presence being exposed, having a contingency was useful for this situation.

"I also have another suggestion: another contingency: the Hyuga clan are essential to our future plans. The Byakugan cannot fall into the hands of our enemies. My suggestion is to have one of you infiltrate the clan and take the place of one of its members. Let's say Hanabi or the current clan leader. It would be a way to control the clan." Danzo suggested

"An excellent idea, we cannot let a weapon like the Byakugan fall into the hands of our enemies. I would gladly go, but I'm needed here to make sure that fool doesn't screw up our plans by starting the war that we have been planning for centuries." Cornelia referred to Dimitri's uncle, who was the regent of the throne.

"This could be a good way for Kronya to redeem herself for failing to absorb Monica when she had the chance." said Danzo with an arrogant smile, knowing that his fellow Agarthans would be receptive to his suggestion.

"You forget your place, Donzo. You may be one of us because we allowed you in the organization, but don't forget that you're still just human." Thales reminded him.

"Yeah, stay silent human." Kronya looked at Donzo with hatred.

"Do what you will with my advice, know that the Hinata Hyuga, not Sasuke Uchiha, chose Edelgard. The girl is dangerous. She's getting bolder, her confidence for what I know from my spies is increasing. Not to mention the feat of her squad in the mock battle is not something to be ignored; the Hyuga clan must be kept under our control. It is unfortunate that Sasuke Uchiha chose the Blue Lions, but he's just one Uchiha. While Hinata should she get bold could take leadership of the clan because it will be hers by right. She is far more dangerous than she would have been had she joined the Blue Lions, having Kronya masquerade as a member of the clan will guarantee for us to keep our control of the clan."

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