The 2 months of calm

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All of the classes have returned from their missions; things are about to go back to normal, though one of the professors is unable to teach at least until he is fully recovered. So until then, a substitute teacher will teach in Byleth's place. However, a new edict was added that made it so teachers must have at least one assistant.

The houses would get new students as well from other parts of the the five nations three of the students are from Sunagakure along with three new students from Konoha.

The golden Deer class who just came back from the Land of Waves would be on time to receive their new classmates.

Blue Lions classroom

Ashe was still shaken up by the mission he wasn't able to look at the documents that he had he didn't have the courage to yet he was afraid he was afraid that he could change everything that he thought at the Church what if he finds out that he was fighting for the wrong side. It was irrational he knew but he couldn't help it he couldn't stop thinking about it or Sasuke when he told him that from Lonato and how from his perspective the cause he was fighting for was just.

He just didn't know what to believe anymore, what was right, what was wrong? The world no longer made any sense."You're still thinking about that mission, aren't you?" asked Neji. It was difficult to read him and his emotions; he wasn't like his cousin Hinata, whom he thought was his little sister, but she wasn't the only thing he knew about them. All he knew was their fathers were twins, but nothing beyond that. Did he know?

"How can I not? After what I've seen, it's hard not to think about it. How can you just brush it off?" he asked Neji.

"I'm expected to brush it off because I'm a Hyuga and dwelling on the past or thinking about what could have been is unbecoming of a Hyuga." he answered as patiently as he could muster, explaining something that was obvious to him but not everyone else.

"Was our cause even just?" he asked Neji, as if expecting him to have the answers.

"It's hard to say from our point of view our causes was just from his point of view his was just our enemies are obviously going to think that they are in the right and we're in the wrong. History unfortunately is written by the winners. It doesn't matter how just or unjust a causes if the Victor that gets to decide what it's just and what isn't." Neji answered kinder this time.

"I suppose things were just easier before this mission." He didn't get a chance to say anything else, as the other Blue Lions entered the classroom. Everyone sat in their usual spots.

What he saw was something that caught him off guard. He saw a blonde woman with a strange hairstyle walking into the classroom. The way she carried herself was with an arrogant hindrance, but with the confidence to back it up. And the person next to her was a man with olive skin. His hair was strangely arranged, and he wore a headband on his forehead that had a symbol that looked like a leaf.

His attire was similar to that of Kakashi Hatake, the professor of the Golden Deer. The main difference between them is that this man wore darker clothes than Kakashi did.

"So these are the students I'm supposed to help teach?" he asked Manuela.

"Yes, class! For those of you who are not from Konoha, this is Sarutobi Asuma, son of the current Hokage of Konoha. Now, he's going to be my assistant because this class is getting too big for the number of students we have now. There's another student who's not a transfer from Konoha but from one of its neighbors; she is from Sunagakure, the Land of Wind."

She looked older than the other students who are transfer students from the five nations. Ashe could guess she was between 18 and 21.

"It's a pleasure to be part of this program, and I hope to get to know my fellow classmates in the Blue Lions. My name is Temari, and I'm the older sister of Gaara, the son of the current Kazekage."

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