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A flashback plays to yesterday,as Sandra,Leni,Lincoln and Lucy were getting in the car.

Sandra:"Are you sure you can look after Lily while we're gone?"

Victor:"Yes. I looked after Julie,so I can look after another baby. I'm 18,after all."

Sandra:"Alright. Call me if anything goes wrong."

Victor:"Whatever you say,Mom."

Sandra drives off to an adoption center and Victor steps back inside the mansion.

Sandra drives off to an adoption center and Victor steps back inside the mansion

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Victor:"Time to look after you,I guess."

Lily:"Wictor! Wictor!"

Victor smiles a bit,as Lily sort of reminded him of Julie before her accident. At the adoption center,Sandra approaches the front desk.

Sandra:"Hello. I want to adopt these four kids."

Sandra gives the receptionist a picture of Lucy,Lily,Lincoln and Leni.

Receptionist:"Okay,ma'am. Just sign here."

Sandra signs the contract and Lincoln,Lily,Lucy and Leni are now her children. Then,she goes back to the car.

Lincoln:"How did it go?"

Sandra:"Piece of cake."

Lucy:"It's that easy?"

Sandra:"It's not too hard once you know what you're doing."


The flashback ends and Victor was looking at an old family photo,specifically at Julie who had a smile on her face.

Victor:"Doing my best to make you proud,baby girl."

Victor then looks at Damien and frowns.

Victor:"But you on the other hand,you make me sick. I hope you burn in hell."

Victor spits on Damien and goes to a gym in the basement and starts running on a treadmill for 15 minutes. Then he moves on to do 45 one-handed push ups and afterwards,he starts punching a heavy bag with black boxing gloves.

It cuts to Lincoln looking at a view from the balcony outside the mansion.

Lincoln:"This is such a nice view."

Lucy pops up from behind Lincoln.

Lucy:"That it is."

Lincoln:"Stop doing that,Lucy. You might give me a heart attack."

Lucy:"I know."

Lincoln:"I think this black streak fits my hair perfectly."

Lucy:"Yes. Yes it does."

Lincoln and Lucy side hug each other and Lucy rests her head on her brother's shoulder.

Lincoln:"I'm glad I have you."

The Loud House:No Such BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now