Lincoln vs Lynn

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The next day at school,Lincoln meets his friends by a table in the cafeteria,as they were shocked.

Lincoln:"Guys? What's wrong?"

Stella shows Lincoln her phone and it was a news story about Lola Loud being banned from doing her pageants for a long time.

Lincoln:"Lola being banned from pageants for a long time? She kinda deserves it."

Rusty:"What do you mean?"

Zach:"I feel like there's something you aren't telling us."

Lincoln:"Alright. Here goes. I'm not Lincoln Loud anymore."

Clyde:"Who are you and what have you done to our friend?"

Lincoln:"Relax,Clyde. I'm still me. I'm Lincoln Blaze now."

Stella:"You got adopted?!"



Lincoln:"Well,it's not just me. Leni,Lucy and Lily have also been adopted by a rich family along with me."

Clyde:"So that explains the new look."

Lincoln:"Yeah. I have a new older brother and younger sister. Victor and Julie."

Stella:"What's your new Dad like?"

Lincoln:"I don't know. Victor told me that he's a bad Dad. Maybe he's right."

Zach:"If you say so."

It cuts to Victor getting a call from one of his girlfriends,Nikki.

Nikki:"Hey baby."


Nikki:"I'm thinking of going on a date with you. Are you busy?"

Victor:"Nope. I'm free. Let's have a date,considering we haven't seen each other in a while."


Victor:"I think we go to an amusement park or whatever."

Nikki:"That sounds perfect. See you."

Victor:"See you."

Victor hangs up and he goes to an amusement park to lean by the wall next to the entrance. 5 minutes later,he sees his girlfriend Nikki,who was wearing jean shorts,a yellow crop top over a black vest and an Apple watch.

Nikki:"How do I look?"

Victor:"You look amazing. Let's go."

Victor and Nikki sit at the front of a roller-coaster and cheer loudly with the roller-coaster going up and down in different directions.

Victor:"That was fun."

Nikki:"It sure was. How about a ferris wheel next?"

Victor:"Sounds good."

Nikki and Victor go onto a ferris wheel and hug each other lovingly.

Victor:"This was a good idea. What a nice view this is."

Nikki:"Yeah. I heard your sister got into an accident. I'm so sorry,Victor."

Victor:"It's okay. You didn't know. You are right about one thing. This was a fun date."

Nikki:"I love you,Victor."

Victor:"I love you too,Nikki."

Nikki and Victor share a kiss on the lips and hold each other lovingly. Then,it cuts back to Royal Woods Elementary School,where Lincoln was face to face with a hooded person.

The Loud House:No Such BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now