Carol vs Lori

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Leni takes Lincoln and Ronnie Anne to an amusement park where they would have their date.

Leni:"Well,we're here."

Lincoln:"This is a pretty good amusement park for a date."

Ronnie Anne:"Looks that way,yeah."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne go over to a water gun game.

Ronnie Anne:"You think you can beat me in this game?"

Lincoln:"I believe I can."

Ronnie Anne:"Alright,then."

Ronnie Anne and Lincoln start the game and they both squirt a lot of water towards the target. Five minutes later,Lincoln wins the game.

Lincoln:"Alright! And the returning champion keeps his crown!"

Ronnie Anne:"Let's do something else now."


It cuts to Lori arriving at Carol's house,as she kicks the door down and scares her rival.

Carol:"What the hell?!"

Lori:"Hey there,Carol. Having a good time with your 'man'?"

Carol:"What the fuck are you doing here,bitch?!"

Lori:"I'm doing whatever the fuck I want. And that means literally kicking your ass!"

Carol:"Oh,you're making a big mistake!"

Lori:"The only mistake I made was letting you overshadow me ever since we were kids. But that ends today. Right here,right fucking now."


Lori:"I'm not gonna let you show me up,again!"

Lori stomps on the coffee table like an anime character and now she was in a background that indicates that she was flying.

Lori:"I swear on my senior parking space,I'm going to kick your ass,Carol Pingrey!"

Carol raises her eyebrow at the readers,as it cuts back to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne enjoying their date. The two were now enjoying some cotton candy.

Lincoln:"This is really good!"

Ronnie Anne:"Yeah. It is!"

The two of them hold hands lovingly and Leni squeals in excitement.

Leni:"I'm so proud of you,Linky!"

Ronnie Anne:(giggles)"Linky."

Ronnie Anne punches Lincoln's arm playfully and he does the same.

Lincoln:"I swear,you're absolutely cute sometimes."

Ronnie Anne:"And so are you."

Ronnie Anne gives Lincoln a kiss on the cheek and he laughs a bit. It cuts to the hospital where Julie was having a dream.

Julie:"Hello? Brother? Mommy? Girls?"

?:"Oh. You're still in your coma,I see."

Julie:"Who's there?"

Julie sees another girl who looks like her,but instead,she has black hair.

Kaitlyn:"Julie. I want to show you something."


Kaitlyn brings Julie to a room that shows her her friends.

Julie:"Girls... They... They look so sad."

Kaitlyn:"That's because we're fighting for our lives right now."

Julie:"We can make it out of this. I know we can. And after that,I'm gonna play with my new siblings."

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