Lincoln vs Morgan

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Meanwhile,Nikki was icing Victor's bruises and he groans in pain.


Nikki:"I'm sorry. I'm just... trying to fix you up."

Victor:"It's okay. I get it. You know,I would do the same for you and Gwen."


Victor:"Yeah. Definitely."

Nikki:"Are you sure taking down their bases is gonna do any real damage? I mean,each time we take down one of their bases,they tighten up their defenses."

Victor:"Yeah,it's working alright so far. That means they're either being scared,or they might be learning from their mistakes."

Nikki:"Okay. Okay."

Victor:"Don't worry. We'll put a stop to them,and we'll make him suffer for everything he did."

Nikki:"I trust you. I always do."

Victor:"I'm glad you do."

Nikki kisses Victor on the cheek and finishes her work.

Victor:"Can I still fight?"

Nikki:"Sorry,Victor. You gotta heal up those cuts and bruises first. But,if you are gonna be fighting,don't... pull a muscle or whatever. Okay?"


It cuts to Lincoln outside of the mansion,looking at the view from the balcony.

Lincoln:"Those two beat Victor and I without even breaking a sweat. How is that even possible?"

Ronnie Anne walks up to Lincoln,still in her tank top,and her arms looked slightly more defined than before. Her boobs were also looking more developed as well.

Ronnie Anne:"Hey."


Ronnie Anne:"Are you still thinking about that ordeal with the USB?"

Lincoln:"Yeah. Those two were no joke. How do we beat them?"

Ronnie Anne:"Hey,hey. You shouldn't worry about that right now. What matters is that you're still alive and kicking."

Lincoln:"Alright. You look more muscular."

Ronnie Anne:"It's time I go for some evolution,you know?"


Ronnie Anne:"Do you want to train with me?"


Lincoln and Ronnie Anne share a hug and Lincoln feels her boobs press up against his chest.

Ronnie Anne:"I-I know they really aren't as big as Nikki's or Gwen's,but-"

Lincoln:"I like them just the way they are. Besides,we're still a little young."

Ronnie Anne:"Fair enough."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne go to the gym and they do some running on a different treadmill. Then,they move on to punching a heavy bag,despite not being able to move it back like Victor does.

Lincoln:"Wow,this bag is heavy!"

Ronnie Anne:"How's your older brother able to move this thing back?"

Lincoln:"No idea."

Afterwards,Lincoln stretches his back,as his bones make a few popping sounds.

Lincoln:"What a workout."

Ronnie Anne:"Yeah. Linky."

Ronnie Anne boops Lincoln on the nose and giggles a little. Then,it cuts to Jack meeting Julie in her room.

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