Julie Blaze vs Taylor Allison

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Julie lands on a rooftop to view Taylor's location and her tone of voice sounded very serious.

Julie:"Tracker says that she's in the sewers. Better move."

Leni starts calling Julie.

Leni:"Any luck on finding her?"

Julie:(stern)"I'm tracking her right now."

Leni:"What's wrong?"


Leni:"Meaning something."

Julie:"Lincoln was off his game. We almost had Taylor."

Leni:"Let me know when you find her."


Julie hangs up and kneels in front of a manhole cover.

Julie:"I can get into the sewers through here."

Julie opens the manhole cover and jumps straight down into the sewers to turn on a flashlight to help her see.

Julie:"Where are you,Taylor?"

Julie walks further down the sewers and sees an old lab.

Julie:"There's a lab down here? Maybe Daddy used to own it,or something."

Julie sees a whiteboard with star symbols and objectives.

Julie:"Was he learning different languages? What were they doing down here?"

Julie picks up a picture of the Loud family and looks at it.

Julie:"These must be the Louds before Mommy took in Lincoln,Lily,Lucy and Leni."

Julie sets the picture down and continues investigating the lab,when she hears heavy footsteps. It was a brute in a bear type of suit.

Julie:"She could be anywhere."

The brute's shadow looms over her and she turns around.

Julie:"I didn't know there were bears in these woods."

The brute goes for a swing with his energy axe,but Julie jumps over it and lands on her feet.

Julie:"Okay,before we get down to business,there's something I gotta tell you."

The brute simply readies his energy axe.

Julie:(whispers)"I'm fresh out of honey!"

The brute slams his axe down,sending Julie flying through some glass and he prepares to fight her.

Julie:"Come on. I thought it was funny!"

Julie does a roll and claims a sword.

Julie:"Now it's a fair fight!"

The brute and Julie swing their weapons at each other back and forth,making them clash each time. Julie kicks the brute in the kneecap and attempts to follow up,but the brute blocks her attack and kicks her backwards.

Julie:"I know I can parry him!"

The brute starts swinging and Julie manages to parry each swing three times and slashes him five times in different areas of the body. She kicks him in the jaw and tries to stab his face,but he rolls out of the way.

The brute and Julie start clashing with their weapons back and forth once more and Julie gets knocked back a few feet.

Julie:"That axe is no joke. Better find an opening."

Julie parries another attack and jumps off a table to kick the brute square in the neck,knocking him down.

Julie:"Looks like you couldn't bear the embarrassment!"(giggles)"Get it? Bear?"

Julie throws the sword and continues her investigation,as another shadow looms around the area.

?:"Looks like you found me."

Julie turns her head to find nobody there.

?:"Let's see if you have the power to finish what you started."

Julie suddenly gets punched in different directions twice,and someone pins her up against a wall,holding a knife at her throat.

Taylor:"Hey there,lesbo. How long has it been?"

Julie:"Not long enough. Now enough with the small talk. I know you know where your second base is. Start talking."

Taylor:"I've got a knife to your neck and you want me to start talking? Wow. You really are a dumb lesbo,lesbo."

Julie:"What's with the lesbo nonsense?"

Taylor:"You're into girls! It's weird!"

Julie:"You're weird! And besides,as long as I keep having something to fight for,I can do anything!"

Taylor:"What the?!"

Julie becomes Kaitlyn and laughs as Taylor starts backing up.

Taylor:"What are you?! You aren't the Julie-"

Kaitlyn:"We are not Julie. We..."

Kaitlyn's body starts glowing a red aura and she clenches her fists tightly.


Kaitlyn cracks her knuckles and neck respectively.


Taylor tries her best to attack Kaitlyn,but Kaitlyn dodges her knife slashes and kicks it out of her hand to grab her by the throat and slam her through a table.

Taylor stands up,only for Kaitlyn to kick her in the face and then knee her in the stomach. Then,she starts running away.

Kaitlyn:"Get back here,Taylor!"

Taylor slides under a table,hoping to escape Kaitlyn's wrath.


Taylor runs into a room and closes the door.

Kaitlyn:"You can't escape me! I'll chase you to the ends of the earth!"

Taylor:"Okay,okay! I'll tell you where the base is! It's outside Royal Woods High School!"

Kaitlyn:"Thanks for the info."

Kaitlyn knocks out Taylor and goes back home,to see Sandra,Leni and Lincoln standing there.


(A.N:"The bear joke was based off of this video. Tell me what you think.")

(A.N:"Kaitlyn's "I'll chase you to the ends of the earth!" Line was based off of this video.")

(A.N:"The "We are Kaitlyn" scene was based off of this video.")

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