The Allison Chase

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A few hours later,Victor is now on his bed being looked after by Maria.

Sandra:"How is he,Maria?"

Maria:"He's doing fine. Any more to the left and his spine would've been shattered."

Sandra:"Please help my son."

Maria:"I'll do my best. You have my word."

Downstairs,Julie is holding Victor's necklace with tears in her eyes. Tears of anger and sadness. Leni walks up to her with her laptop.

Leni:"Are you okay?"

Julie:"No. I'm not okay. My brother's hurt because of me."

Leni:"Hey,hey. It's not your fault."

Julie:"You're right. My brother would want me to keep fighting. Any luck on finding the second base?"

Leni:"No. I got nothing. But,I did manage to find the database and one certain member should know where the second base is."

Julie:"Who is it?"

Leni:"Taylor Allison."

Julie frowns at hearing the name of her rival.

Leni:"Is something wrong?"

Julie:"It... It's nothing. Let's just find her and get to the second base."

Leni:"I'll let Lincoln know as well."


Julie puts Victor's necklace on,then a black hoodie and exits the mansion by sneaking out the window to go to Taylor's house as Leni calls Lincoln.

Leni:"Linky,I think we have another lead..."

Lucy:"A lead to what?"

Leni:"A lead to more of my dresses! I always have to stay pretty,you know?"

Lucy:"Sigh. I never get to have fun."

It cuts to Julie entering the Allison residence through Taylor's bedroom window and she throws her hood on.

Julie:"Leni,I'm at Taylor's house now and I don't see her anywhere."

Leni:"Try looking around the house for a bit. Maybe you'll find something."

Julie enters the bathroom and sees dual sinks.

Julie:"She has two sinks? Lucky."

Julie quickly washes her hands.

Julie:"Alright. Back to work."

Julie exits the bathroom and goes downstairs to see that the place has been ransacked.

Julie:"What happened down here?"

Julie walks into the kitchen and sees broken glass,blood and knifes layed out on the floor.

Julie:"Blood. Could it be Taylor's?"

Leni:"No idea. Maybe there's a lab there,too?"

Julie:"If there is,I'll find it."

Julie sees a keypad in front of her.

Julie:"Can you hack into this keypad?"

Leni:"I may be able to find these bases,but I'm not that smart."

Julie:"Okay. Guess I'll have to find a code."

Julie looks down to her right and sees the word,"Lesbo" in blood.

Julie:"Of course. That's what she would always call me,just because I have a girlfriend."(looks at readers)"What's wrong with dating someone who has the same gender as you,hmm?"

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