Chapter 1

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The sky is painted in its usual shades of orange and purple as the sun begins to set in the horizon. In Centurion, when the sun dissappears, things get crazy. Which is reason enough for my roomate Vicky to force me into coming with her. She tugs on my arm as we make our way to slip into the end of the long line that wraps around the corner of the building.

"Come on J, it won't be that bad." Vicky sings as she nudges me with her elbow and follows my steps as we step into the line.

Her makeup is flawless, her smokey eye shadow and liner creating a perfect darkness around her ice blue eyes that would make anyone melt if they look at her long enough.  Her lips are painted cherry red and her hair is flowing down past her shoulders in brown delicate curls.

"So you keep saying." I fake a smile, knowing damn well the only reason she dragged me along was so she could gawk at the king and his emissaries.

The club and bar scene aren't entirely my thing. Vicky knows that, while she's the one who goes out every chance she gets to get plastered, I'm the one who's at our studio apartment stuck with my nose in a book. Which is exactly where I love to be, being trapped inside a fantasy world where no one can hurt me,use me, lie to me or abuse me. Somewhere my mind can escape the shitty reality the fae have deemed us worthy for. A life full of struggle and forcing us to claw our way through dead end jobs with minimal pay all while they sit on their thrones and look down on us humans as if we are the dirt beneath their shiny boots.

I force myself not to scoff at the thought as the line shortens and carries us closer and closer to the club's doors. The fae were stuck up rich assholes that use their authority to get whatever they wanted, whoever they wanted and however they wanted it. They didn't care about our opinions or our thoughts on, well anything really.

The only way Vicky and I were even able to get tickets into this place was because she had been banging one of the security guards for weeks just to get the pair of red pieces of paper.

"They use their power against us, why not give them a dose of their own medicine." She told me that night when she walked into our apartment flashing the tickets in my face.

Though she had a fair point, I never understood why any of us would be willing to stoup to their level. They may be wealthy and want for nothing while the rest of us are just pawns on their game boards, but I refuse to be anything other than myself. I refuse to bend to their demands and harsh words, at least without a fight.

The line disappears and it's our turn for security to take our tickets. Vicky hands the red pieces of parchment to them and flashes a pearly white smile to the guard on the right and wiggles her eyebrows as if an invitation to her needy ways later on in the night.

He doesn't say anything to her but tilts his sunglasses down his nose enough to rake his gaze over her body. Her tight black dress hugging her curves just right. She called me crazy when I refused to put on a dress to go out with her. Almost forced me to if it wasn't for me telling her if I couldn't go in my sweats and T-shirt I wasn't going at all. Of course she didn't fight with me after that.

He licks his bottom lip and pushes his glasses back up his nose before he proceeds to clasp his hands in front of him at his waist, matching the pose of the guard to his left.

"You know where to find me big boy." Vicky says as she pats his chest softly and then grabs the handle of the door and walks in, with me in tow behind her.

The music is so loud, the speakers blaring so intensely the bass is causing the floor to vibrate. Vicky yells something but I can't hear her. I feel so out of place in my sweats and t and matching kicks. Every female I see is wearing some form of provocative clothing. Some in tight dresses, some in pretty much scraps of cloth that leave little to nothing left for the imagination.

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