Chapter Four

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" Well, send them out. I want it covered asap. Oh and Franky, you slip up at all, you'll be finding yourself at the bottom of the river."

His voice fills my ears before I flutter my eyes open to see him. The fae king. Von. For a split second I was hoping all of this was just a nightmare, but then he had to speak and make all of the reality of it come rushing back in.

Arrogant assholes. Thinking they can just kidnap someone and get away with it. I mean they could, but it doesn't justify it any less. Knowing they could murder me and justice would never be found for me makes my gut twist.

"Ah, there you are bunny. Thought you could escape us that easily?" Dusty sits next to me on the bed with one knee up, his elbow resting on it as his hand dangles with his scarred inked knuckles. I shoot him a fuck you look and he chuckles.

"That's the spirit." He chuckles, allowing a slip of his sharp white teeth to show. It's a creepy smile that makes you want to drawl back out of fear but also makes you wonder what the fuck happened to him to make him so serial killer like.

Von peers over at me as he leans his muscled frame against the nearby wall. His arms are crossed over his broad chest and he just gazes at me as if I'm a puzzle he can't solve.

"Zeke is still out getting Intel. So until he turns up something useful it looks like you'll be staying. But don't get to comfortable sweetheart. The minute daddy dearest wants to make a deal in exchange, you'll be the first thing we offer up. Or offer back I should say. There's something alluring about you, mysterious even." He breaks off and pushes from the wall, and proceeds to step towards me ever so slowly. Like a lion sneaking up on his prey. " Even halflings have power. Magic rolling through their veins." His face is inches from mine, and I inhale his scent driving my senses ten shades of fucking feral, and not in a good way. "Tell me baby, what power do you have lying beneath all this innocence."

He dares to rake his inked fingers across my cheek and it's the last straw I've had that makes me come undone. I don't say anything I just react to his disgusting touch. Before he can act on instinct I throw my fist out and it collides into the side of squared jaw. "Tell me baby, did that hurt?" I say using his words against him. His jaw begins to turn a slight red color from the force of my punch. And as proud as I am of myself I have to say my knuckles hurt like hell.

He rubs the side of his jaw, and turns his gaze fiercely to meet my own. "You'll regret that. Here I am thinking about giving you your own little suite for the time being. But you know what? How about we give you something more fitting for a miserable human such as yourself hmmm?" Yet again his words fill me with fear, just like the rest of them have perfected.

He yanks the silk blankets back and forcefully pulls me up and over his shoulder. His steps are hard and heavy, pounding loudly on the wooden floor beneath him. I want to fight him, I want to kick and punch and yell at him to put me down, but I know it would be pointless. So I don't fight. I give up and allow him to take me to his sick ass dungeons I know he has been waiting to throw me in.

We walk down a dark hallway and he stops before opening a wooden door, and then throwing me onto the floor. He doesn't say a word to me before he slams the door shut behind him and I hear a lock turning. Panic starts to set it again and I jump up to my feet, ramming my fists against the door as hard as I can. "Let me out you sick bastard!" I yell so loud that my voice grows hoarse. Tears well in my eyes and after a few minutes of banging on the door and kicking my sneakers into it, I realize he's not coming back. I turn and place my back against the door and slide down until my ass meets to the cold ground.

Everything hits me at once. All of the information about my father being fae royalty, offering me up as if I mean nothing. As if I am nothing. Nobody in my life has ever cared for me, why the hell would I ever think anyone could? There's obviously something wrong with me if nobody wants to even be in my presence longer than five minutes before leaving me alone again. Abandoning me after they've gotten whatever they needed from me before tossing me back into the pit of nothingness.

My shoulders shake as I begin to sob, allowing my weakness to show if even for just myself. I've held it in for so long that truth be told it didn't even matter if I cried it out now with no one around to see. It's never mattered. It never will. Knowing that I have been living a lie my entire life, and had been offered up to more cruel fae only make things worse. It'd be a lot easier if they would just end me quickly, but instead I know they'll just drag it out. It's what the fae are perfected in. Why would I think or even hope for something different.

I lay my body on the cold ground and shivers find me sooner than id like. I curl myself up in a ball to give myself enough warmth to fall asleep, and soon, with tears still falling from my eyes I manage to cry myself to sleep in this gods forsaken place with demented fae only doors down from this dark place.

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