Chapter Seven - Jez

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I slip on the ripped jeans and hoodie Jake had laid out for me on the bed. With them was a brand new pair of laced black boots. Interesting, I didn't see any female belongings anywhere in the house that I had seen which made me assume he had to go and buy the outfit along with the boots. I didn't peg him as the shopping type of a guy, which also probably meant he had someone else do it for him, and that wouldn't surprise me. I don't think anything these fae did would surprise me at this point. I've heard pelnty of rumours about them to know how dangerous they really are, and I don't feel like finding out if there's any truth to them. Not with my life, anyway.

I twist the handle to the bedroom door and just as he said, he stands there outside the door leaning against the wall, glaring down at his phone. Shoving it into his pocket he doesn't say anything to me before he starts trudging down the dark hallway and down the stairs that lead to the massive front double doors. He doesn't look back at me to make sure I'm following him. We make it to the black suv and he opens the passenger door with a hand motioning for me to get in the car. I do as he silently commands. He closes the door gently and walks around the front of the car to hop in the driver's seat. The engine roars to life and before I know it we're peeling out of the drive way. Gravel and dust being thrown around into the air as we drive off.

"Can I ask where we're going?" I look over at him as his knuckles turn white from his tightened grip on the steering wheel. These men really do need help with their anger issues.

His voice is calm but heavy, "We're meeting some important fae. I have no idea why Von thought it was a grand idea to bring you. When we get there don't say a word. These fae don't do well with new comers and though the meeting is in our territory I'm not in the mood to defend you again today. So it's best if you just keep quiet and keep to yourself until they leave."

"Yes, sir." I say sarcasticly. "Who are they?" I ask curiously. My gut tells me whoever they are won't be too happy to see a human girl in their presense.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?"

"You all are leaving me out of the loop. I get that I was pretty much handed over to you guys without my permission, but I'm being forced to go with you and I'd like to know what I'm having to walk into." For a split second it's like shock spreads accross his face but then the expression is replaced with a smirk.

"Just because V wants you there doesn't mean you need to know what's going on. My brother's and I will deal with anything if something should go wrong, and many times it does indeed go very wrong. You have no idea what you've been forced into and in a matter of time you'll find out for yourself why we should never be crossed."

His words leave me with more questions but I have no choice but to shove the questions to the back of my mind when we pull up in front of the club they snatched me from. "So we're back at this shithole." I mutter to myself.

He grunts at my words and then turns the engine off and proceeds to climb out of the car, circling around the front to open the door for me again. Such a fucking gentleman. I shake my head a little at the notion, knowing that the feeling in my gut is becoming overwhelming. I'm not sure what to expect but I know it's nothing good.

I follow jake through doors of the club and accross the empty dance floor. The only people I can see are all five fae men I've been kidnapped by. Von stands as stoic as he normally does dressed in a white button up and dress pants with shiny shoes that compliment his outfit of choice. His sleeves are rolled up his forearm exposing the intricate tattoos webbing up from both of his hands and arms. Instead of his hair being lose and hanging down to his shoulders, he has it tied up in a bun with a peice of what looks like leather. The top few buttons of his shirt are undone leaving his smooth broad chest on display, giving him a complete bad boy look, but it definitley suits him.

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