Chapter 3

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The men around me are so large in stature that when Pony boy and Blondie sit on either side of me, i'm completely squished in the middle. The fae with the ragged scar on his face sits in the drivers seat. I push my body into Pony Boy in attempt to give me some room, but he only looks at me and grunts. Apparently that's all he can speak at this point.

"Can you quit squirming? The fun hasn't even started yet and you're already testing my patience princess." Blondie says with a sly smirk on his face. He reaches his arm out and drapes it over the top of the seat behind my head. "You really shouldv'e just given Von what he wanted. Now you've landed yourself in a situation you may not make it out of." He quirks.

I run my hand over my face, " Yea, throw it in my face why don't you? It's not like I have a life or anything. Not that any of you fae bastards are giving me a choice anyway."

I catch the driver adjust the rearview mirror and glance a look at me with eyes so dark they feel like they're cutting my soul. I wonder how he got that scar in the first place. I want to ask about it, but I could only imagine what he would do to me if I did, so I just shut my mouth and play the part of the good little human.

"Where are you taking me?" I mutter.

"Somewhere no one would find you." His eyes find mine again in the mirror, and his voice haunts me. It's gruff and his words fill me with fear.

I scoff, "Like anyone cares enough to come looking for me." I look away and try to distract myself by looking out of the dark tinted windows.  The hope of escaping them doesn't exist. Knowing the strength and the power the fae have, I doubt i'd make it even twenty-four hours before they decide to kill me. It's been rumoured that they can tell when we humans lie. But then again I've never wanted to be close enough to one of them to know if the rumour was true or not. But if it is true, did they know I was telling the truth when I told the king I didn't have what they were looking for?

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. They don't care about my truth, or my thoughts. The feeling of pity rolls deep in my veins as I think about the fact that absolutely nobody would come looking for me. I wasn't lying when I told scarface. Vicky was always too wrapped up in sleeping with the fae that she didn't stop to think about what would happen by leaving me alone. She had always told me that since the first time she had slept with a fae male she'd never sleep with another human man. The fae tend to be exotic and different in the sexual tendencies, which is why she was so willing to sleep with any of them when she had the chance.

I never wanted to find out what she meant. The fae ruined any chance of a real life. I hated them, resented them and always will. Though I didn't carry the pointed ears that they did, I was very glad I didn't. My father was fae, my mother human. Of course the fae males were never shy about sleeping with human women. They made it very wildly known and obvious in pubic. Some of the human women would wear iron collars in public to show everyone else that they simply belonged to one of the fae. Owned. Like a slave. Goosebumps cover my arms at the thought. I never knew who my father was, never cared to try and research to find him. It wouldn't have mattered. Having rounded ears in a society where the fae ruled, would've been worse for me than being just a basic human. Being a half-breed meant more problems, it meant I would be banished. Belonging absolutely nowhere in this already cruel world.

After what seems like hours of driving, we pull in front of a giant black ironed gate. A few moments later the gate opens and we roll through the entrance and we stop in front of a massive mansion. Massive is probably an underestatement. When the fae have all the money they could ever want, they definitely show it. The huge house is painted white, with pillars running along the front of it. A gravel driveway creates a circle, with a huge garden and fountain of an angel in the middle. So classical yet eery at the same time. Guards are posted jsut outside the mansions front doors, and they to have pointed ears, just like my captors.

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