Chapter 9 - Jez

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I knew they were cruel and heartless. I knew before I even met them that this is what they do. Kill people for the fuck of it. But for some stupid reason I can't explain I'm drawn to them. That invisible rope in my mind that's pulling five ways and I have a feeling that each belongs to one of them.

Growing up I heard stories of fae having mates. Is that what this is? It can't be. I cannot possibly be mated to not one fae but five. Five serial killer mafia fae. The king and his brothers. How the hell does that even work? The gods made a mistake, this  couldn't be right.

"The gods know what they're doing Darling. And you're right. This feeling that you have, you're right. You are our mate. No matter how we came about to have you, we are forever thankful the gods finally deemed us worthy enough to have you. You Darling haven't got the slightest clue what that Intel's for you.  We won't force you into anything, but aside from us being mated to you, I think it's best that we let you know that you're in danger. He will come looking to steal you soon. With that being said we cannot allow you to leave now. If you do he will find you and more than likely use you as leverage against us."

Jake pushes the hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. Still stroking his thumb across my face, I look into his eyes and for the first time I genuinely am captivated.

His hazel eyes stare at me with intensity and hunger, desire lacing around the rims of his irisis. Flames beckoning me to accept him. Accept them. "How? How could this work? I know nothing of this life Jake."

Von walks back over to us, standing on the other side of Jake. "We will teach you out ways. We will show you what you need to know. But no matter what remember that you have nothing to fear from us from now on. We will protect you and defend you with our lives." His words ring true. I can feel the truth running down that invisible rope and pouring into my soul. The emotions from him following behind it. He means every word.

"Does this mean no more broom closets?" I ask him.

They all begin to laugh. Von chuckles, " I promise baby, no more broom closets."

I nuzzle into Jakes touch a little more, all the information finally getting to me. My body is becoming exhausted. "Can we go now? " I ask him softly.

"Yes, Darling." His husky voice causes me to squeeze my thighs together. The intensity from his gaze making my core throb with desperate need for him to be in between my legs this very moment.

He climbs out of the booth and like always holds his hand out for me. I take it and turn to look at the rest of them.

Dusty. Martin. Zeke. Von and Jake.

Every one of them belong to me, and I belong to them. I know I'm safe with them I can feel it down those invisible ropes. But I know deep down each of them are different. Each of them offering me a piece of themselves with only the hopes of me returning the same strong emotions.

I let a small smile cross my lips, and I can see the glisten of acceptance and happiness glint each of their eyes. I turn back around to follow Jake as we make our way outside to his SUV. He opens the door for me and I climb in, anticipating what's coming next.

Because there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to control myself if I'm left alone with him for even a second. In fact I know damn well my needy pussy will be begging for his touch before we even get back to the mansion. Now if he would just hurry the hell up and gas it we could get there a lot faster.

"Already on it, Darling." He says before pushing his foot on the gas pedal and speeding throught he traffic.

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