Chapter two

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A huge hand pushes me gently on my back for me to move closer to the booth, and I don't have to guess who it is as the smell of the first males scent fills my nose again. Cigar's and leather.

"Please. Sit." The fae king says, half being polite and half commanding me to do so. Like I have any option to do anything other than what he's telling me to.

I do as he instructs silently, but I gasp as I realize suddenly the booth is filled with three other fae males. Each one wearing a different style of clothing, but all have a similar haunting gaze in their eyes.

The one in the middle, chuckles deeply, "We promise not to bite. Not yet anyway." He winks and I can tell he's an arrogant one. Of course, a lot of fae males tend to be arrogant one way or another but this one seems a little to over the top with it.

His black leather jacket makes a scrunching noise whenever he moves slightly. And unlike the first two I met who had long dark hair, this one has short blonde hair. Faded on the sides and long enough on the top to give it a scruffy look. Black earrings hang from his tall pointed ears, and I take notice that his nose is also pierced with a golden hoop through one of his nostrils. His eyes are like a deep forest green, beautiful almost if it wasn't for the crazy look he's giving me. His skin is pale, but also unlike the others, I don't see any ink covering his skin. His biceps her squeezed by the sleeves of his jacket, and I can sense there's a lot going on in his mind. Call it my intuition. His jawline just like the others is very masculine, very classical when it comes to fae males. Full lips of course too, can't forget those.

I turn my head slightly to examine the two fae sitting on either side of blondie. The one to the left has tanned colored skin, brown hair that ends right above his shoulders, and blue eyes that are piercing. His pointed ears are pierced just as his friend's. Tattoos cover his skin, leaving almost no emptiness from it on either arm. His knuckles are scarred so much that even the ink etched deep into his skin can't hide them.

I dart my eyes over to the fae sitting furthest away. He looks similar to Blondie, very similar actually, they could probably pass for twins if it wasn't for the scar that juts down his brow and ends below his right cheek bone, or the spotted tattoos he has on his huge arms.

All of their eyes are on me as I move my feet to sit inside the booth. They make room to accommodate me and of course the big guy to my right doesn't wait before squeezing in himself.

I try to calm my breathing, wondering how the hell I got myself into this mess. Why the hell the king took interest in me out of all people. I mean I'm the only one who wears sweats and a T-shirt to a club for crying out loud, and every single one of these men scare me shitless. They all give off serial killer vibes and I'm not too sure at this point if I'll even make it out of this alive. Blondie keeps staring at me like he's thinking of thousands of ways to skin me up, pony boy, with the man bun keeps grunting next to me like it's killing him having to sit next to me but also looks at me like he could eat me whole. Fuck.

"We're going to make this easy for you." The king says a little to calmly. " You took something of ours. We want it back. The sooner you give it to us,the quicker you can go on about your miserable existence."

Panic sets in and I do the one thing I shouldn't. I laugh hysterically. So hard that I almost lose my breathe, that is until I look around the table and see every one of them are staring at me with seriousness.

I stop laughing immediately. "Wait. You're not kidding are you?"

"Does he look like he's kidding princess?" Blondie says with a smirk.

Pony boy taps his knuckles on the table. Before turning his head to me and leaning to whisper in my ear. " It's in your best interest to just give it to him darling.  We'll have our fun with you first of course, but afterwards you'll be free to live your life normally."

A surge of fear fills me at his words. _We'll have our fun with you first of course.._ What were they planning on doing to me?

" You are all bat shit fucking crazy. I don't have anything of yours. Now let me leave!" I yell.

The king walks away and grabs a nearby chair, pulling it towards the booth he places it in the opening and turns it around so the back is facing us before he calmly sits. " Don't bother raising your voice, no one would dare cross the ropes, let alone to come save you. Now, tell me where it is and we can make this quick and painless for you. "

Tears start to build up behind my eyes. What are they talking about? " Look I know you're a fae king and all but I really don't have anything that belongs to any of you. I'm a fucking nobody, a poor little human girl that works at the local library for fucks sake. I'm harmless. If I had whatever it was you're looking for I'd be happy to hand it over so I don't have to be in your presence a second longer, _your majesty._"

Blondie keeps his eyes on me, "You should've just given it to him princess." He shakes his head and clicks his tongue.

"Z, take her with you. Martin and Jake will accompany you. Me and Dusty will meet you there." The king instructs them.

"Wait, wait! My roommate! Please she needs to know where I'm going, she'll be worried if I don't tell her. Please! I'll go with you just please let me talk to her first. " My voice breaks off on my last word. Hoping to the gods the fae men will at least grant me that.

"I'm afraid that's not going to happen. You're friend is a little too preoccupied to even care about you right now, what makes you think she'll stop fucking both of those fae to come rescue you?" His words were like a slap in my face. Because he was right. Vicky might be my only friend, but when it comes to getting hers, she doesn't care about anyone. Just what she can get from someone else, and most of the time it was fae men who were willing to sleep with her whenever she deemed fit.

Pony boy slips out of the booth and I follow him, his hand held out for me to take so he can help me wiggle out of the enormous booth. For such a big bad fae I wasn't expecting it. I take his hand anyways and a cold shiver runs up my back. He gently grabs my elbow and pulls me with him to the back door, where I'm escorted to a black SUV with dark tinted windows. He places me in the backseat just as Blondie opens the opposite door and climbs in next to me. Pony boy sits to my right and the fae with the scarred face sits in the driver's seat. He looks back at me in the rearview mirror for a split second before putting the SUV in drive and pulling into the main road.

This was a complete nightmare. I hate the fae, every one of them. I always put as much distance as I could between me and them. And now for only reasons known to the gods I'm surrounded by five of them. Not just any five normal fae, no I had to fuck around and somehow end up with one the kings and his murderous henchmen.

They're fucking psychotic. Every one of them look like they would kill me and get away it. I almost wouldn't mind if it was quick and painless. But something about them tells me, they aren't quick with anything. They'll take their time with me one by one until I've been broken and battered to pieces and then eventually they'll kill me. The only emotion I feel is fear and Im beyond terrified what they plan to do to me.

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