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Looking up from the doodle she had been working on, Pearl sighed as her teacher plopped down her test

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Looking up from the doodle she had been working on, Pearl sighed as her teacher plopped down her test. A giant red D sitting on the top. Turning around she looked down at Bella's paper.

"An A, seriously?" she groaned.

"You can't complain. I don't think I've ever seen you open a book a day in your life" Bella laughed.

"I read! I just hate reading boring stuff and history is definelty really boring" Pearl said. Bella laughed shaking her head. Unless it was a fashion magazine Pearl definitely did not read.

Both girls turned to face Scott, his conversation with Stiles growing a little too loud. "I don't know!" he exclaimed. Scott shrunk down in his seat as everyone turned to look at him.

He felt even worse when the teacher handed him his test, a D- written on top. "Dude, you need to study more" Stiles said. Scott huffed not needing his best friend to comment on his not even passing grades.

"That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up" Stiles said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Pearl's failed like every test she's ever taken," Bella said, hoping her joke would make him feel better.

"Sorry not all of us can be a certified genius like you," Peal said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey. I think pretty smart" Stiles said and Pearl smiled at him, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"If you want, you can come over after school and we can study together" Bella offered, looking at Scott.

He looked over and her and smiled. "Yeah. That'd be great!"

Both of them looked at Pearl and Stiles, grinning widely at them. "What?" Scott asked.

"Nothing" Pearl giggled. "Just remember to be mindful of the family, we have very thin walls."

Bella turned around and zapped her sister on the wrist, a small shock of electricity coursing through her body. Pearl yelped as the bell rang and glared at her sister.

Gathering their things, Stiles looked over at Pearl. "Hey, um. Since their gonna be busy maybe me and you can do something?" he asked.

He smiled as she nodded enthusiastically at him. "Yeah. I'm starving actually. We can grab something to eat. I just have to stop at my locker first."

"I'll go with you," Bella said since their lockers were right next to each other.

"I can meet you at your house. I rode my bike" Scott said to her.

"Okay. Zoe's probably already out front waiting for me" Bella said.

The two sisters left them in the classroom and walked down the hall to their lockers. "Pearl! Bella!"

They turned and tensed up seeing Lydia and Allison walking towards them. So far, they'd been doing a terrible job at staying away from her. Not wanting to make it weird they still smiled.

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