Chapter Four: tell me wondrous things

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Chapter Four: Tell me wondrous things


It's Yuan's voice. What did she want this time? I think I made myself clear enough for everyone to know that I had no interest in anything summer camp related things. At first, I thought I can manage to fake being nice, but no. It's harder than I thought.

"Come on, Riley," she tried to yank my blanket away but I held it still. "You're such a stubborn girl."

"Yes, I am," I shouted, giving her the stern look. "I don't want to be here. Isn't than even clear?"

"But you're already here. The least thing you can do is participate away. Do you think you can get a passing grade after what you've said at the stage? I don't think so. That also means the other counselor will look out for you more. You just made them see you differently. I don't say much especially to newbies like you but I think you need them."

I blinked more than twice. She was right. I just made my first impression. I made it to the naughty list. I was being watched starting today. I made my own bad luck.

"I can't undo any of those things, you know," I said.

She smiled. She got my point already. "You can still go back there. Make another speech and everyone else will forget about what you did earlier," she explained.

I ruffled my hair and let out a groan. I had never done something like that in my entire life. Once I did something, that's it. No undoing. But now? I had to suck it up if I want to be in the lay low zone on my stay here.

"Alright, I'm going back. Please tell me that I can undo it," I said and asked for confirmation before going back there and embarrass myself again.

"Come on. Of course you can undo. What am I doing here if you can't?" she said. We went back together at the activity center and everyone made a way for me.

Mr. Donald was all smiling again and so were the other camp counselors. Gustav was just smirking. Oh save me from the handsome face of that guy. I didn't believe in love at first sight but I believe in crush and admiration.

I got the microphone from Mr. Donald's grasp without even telling him what I was going to do. I just need a few words to make them forget what I said earlier.

"I am Riley Flynn, a new girl on this camp. This is not what I want for my summer. I didn't plan on going here. I already have plans for what my summer should be and that includes spying hot guys on the beach." Chuckles roared around. "Yeah. But because I'm so nice, my teachers recommended my parents this. Ooh," I said. I could let out my frustrations right now actually. Everyone seemed to be listening to my story.

Yuan, Alberta and Keith were giving me thumbs up. That only meant I was doing this thing right.

"My parents are usually out of town or the country so I'm mostly on my own. I lost friends just this month. I'm a rebel." I nodded, smiling as I used that term for myself. It's the first time I admitted it. "If this camp can make me like it here, I might return next summer. But until then, I'm this. Prepare for a dose of Riley Flynn. Thank you!" I stepped out of the stage and before I could even notice, everyone was cheering me.

* * *

The first night at camp was about bonfire and stories. Camp counselors were assigned to different groups of campers and I was lucky to have Alberta on my group. But mostly of them were weird ones. I didn't know if I could get along with them. They seemed to be more unapproachable than I was.

Our camp counselor was Joe. He looked like a cool, tall guy with this wide eyes and curly hair around.

"Riley, would you like to share a story?" Joe asked. We were seated in our own bonfire. Our location was near the lake. There's the cosy feeling about it and I kinda thought of going swimming tonight. Just, you know, break some rules.

"Can I ask a question?" I whispered to Alberta. Joe was waiting for my answer but as he noticed I was not going to, he called another one in the group whose name was Cecilia.

"What is it?" Alberta whispered back.

"Can I swim tonight?" I asked, not intending to laugh but still did.

"Swim? Water's cold at night. Are you sure? It's not even officially summer.

"I'm sure. I think I need some cold water around me. And besides, I just want to try that lake," I said.

She shook her head. "I'm afraid you can't. Ten is the start of our curfew and if the counselors find any campers sneaking out of their cabins, they'll get some punishment in the morning. I think you won't like that," she informed me.

I thought about it again and again until Joe asked me again.

"Okay. So this story I'm going to share is about my boring life. The end." I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Joe asked, confused.

"Back in my cabin. I think I'm not feeling well." I curled around my stomach. I was able to make my teachers believe in this action. But not anymore, apparently. They all found out that I only wanted to skip class and used that excuse to make me go home. Since my parents weren't usually home, no one questioned me why I was so early.

Joe wasn't in his mood to argue with me or ask me more questions. I bet he knew already what type of a person I was. That's one less person to explain to.

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