Chapter Fifteen: Skip a beat, dance in the moonlight

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Chapter Fifteen: Skip a beat, dance in the moonlight

I still couldn't believe that my friends were doing the biggest prank with me. They snuck out of the cabin and even told me that they didn't care for the punishment. All they knew now was to enjoy the summer—the most amazing summer they would ever have.

None of them knew about my condition and I wasn't planning on telling anyone. Pity was the last thing I wanted to see in their eyes.

To my surprise, no one asked anything about the day I immediately left the camp. No one even mentioned anything about what's happening in the camp. I couldn't believe that they were ignoring all those things that would happen in the camp.

Ellie told me that Juno was looking for me, though. Apparently, that guy told that I was going on a date with him. But since I was pulled out without any second words, I wasn't able to tell him that. He was so disappointed and pissed at me and to everyone who knew, Ellie's words, not mine.

I escaped last night, when mom and dad was fast asleep already. They just got home from an out of town business trip and all they could say to me was how are you? So I was off. They wouldn't know I was gone, not until they decided to visit me in my room which was locked, by the way.

Yuan was driving. Ellie called shot gun. Keith, Alberta, Donna and me were all mashed in the backseat. Keith—the only rose in all thorns—was complaining that he should've been the one driving or the one in the shot gun. But just one smile from Ellie and he's decision was changed right away. The idea of renting a car was from Alberta, our genius friend, the one who thought of what should we do for the one week time frame I set up.

"Gustav wanted to come," Ellie said.

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"He knows, of course. He is still my brother and he wants to know where am I going. And just by the mention of your name, he can't get himself to think straight already. He's so into you!" she said the last part giggling. I cringed.

"Well it's a good thing you didn't bring him along. If he was with us right now, I wouldn't even left the house instead," I said.

"If I know..." Alberta chimed in with raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, wide-eyed.

"Don't act like you're not feeling anything towards that guy. He's so handsome, plus he likes you and he's trying to get your attention always that he put your name on the amazing race name lists and—"

"What? He put my name in the list?" I asked, my frown growing deeper.


The others groaned as Alberta blushed a little in apology. They knew it, by the way of how they reacted.

"What else are you, guys not telling me? Better do it all at the same time now rather than wait until I discover it," I warned.

"Okay. There are quite a few things we know that involved you," Donna said. "First is, you dated Juno—don't interrupt," she said when I was about to hit her on the shoulder. "Second, you're also dating Declan, which leads us to third, you're a player."

"And who would even say I'm a player?" I asked, my voice rising up a notch.

Yuan shook her head, smiling. Ellie was giggling to.

"Who said it? Of course your bitter rival. Mary was so happy that you're out of the camp. She thought that you're only there to, uh, boy hunting."

"Ah, whatever she say."

Reckless Abandonment Over SummerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin