Chapter Eight: Face paint attracts kisses

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Chapter Eight: Face paint attracts kisses

We were going to have a welcome activity for all the newbies and to formally welcome everyone in the camp. It's officially summer and everyone was so excited to do their summer jams. I was not.

I talked to mom and dad by eight and told them right away the things I did. Both the good things and the bad. They were not shocked about the news, of course, but were quite happy that I made some acquaintances. That's the word I used when I introduced Yuan's name and the others. I would only be able to call them friends after I could test that out.

Friends come and go and I didn't think I would have a longtime friends like what others were experiencing. Some had ten-year friends and that's amazing. I wished I would have that kind of friendship but people who came by to be friends with me were a bunch of liars and they only wanted to experienced being a high profile high school student because of me.

No, I was not one of the popular kids. I didn't belong to any clique at school. But because I was feeling a little badass myself, some students wanted to be friends with me. They thought I was cool and no one would bully me. I was happy that some people think of me that way, but some were just too insecure that they had to spread news around school that I wasn't the person I was showing to everyone. Eventually, the 'friends' I had slowly drifted away and the two closest person in my life left me too. So now, I was making sure that those who would come to my life would just be a mere acquaintance unless they've proven their worth as a friend. Of course I wouldn't say that to them, I just had to wait for the right time to dictate that to me.

Yuan and Donna were early birds and wanted to be at dirt bike first. It's all because of Gustav. I thought I could skip that activity out but I just discovered that's what I had as an elective. I didn't remember choosing that. Hell, I didn't remember choosing any activity. My parents did everything and made sure that all I had to do was go here. Pity me.

When I close the screen door behind me, a petite girl approached me. She had a broad smile matching her red hair and cute flower skirt, topped with a white crop top.

"Hi," was all she said.

"Hi," I answered.

"This is cabin thirteen?" she asked.

"It is." I furrowed my brows but I still had a smile on my face. "Excuse me, who are you?"

She chuckled, making an attempt not to laugh out loud. She was just being nice, I guess. "I'm Ellie."

"Oh. You're Ellie? Oh my gosh. It's so nice to meet you. I'm your new roommate, Riley," I introduced. I shook her hand, smiling. "And look, you just arrived. Come on." I opened the screen door, letting her in. Now I had the option if I would go to dirt bike late or not anymore.

I'd choose not to go anymore.

"Nice to meet you, too, Riley. Good thing that the cabin's full already. I was freaking out that our final roomie would be..." she trailed off. She bit her bottom lip before exclaiming, "nasty."

"Nice... choice of word," I said. "I'm not nasty, don't worry. Hard-headed maybe, but not nasty."

"Good to know." She looked around then she looked at her watch. "Oh my gosh. Aren't you going to any of your class? It's already ten."

"I'm good. Besides, I don't like being here. My parents forced me so yeah."

"But you still have to go. Come on. What's your first class?" she asked. She tugged on my arm, pulling me up to my feet.

Reckless Abandonment Over SummerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα