Chapter Five: Dirt, rival and a whole lot of drama

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Chapter Five: Dirt, rival and a whole lot of drama

My parents should've warned me about the time for waking up. Or better yet, if there was some kind of a routine every morning—like exercise. Even Yuan and the others should've told me about that. Because seriously, waking up at five in the morning was not a joke. It's summer. I should be enjoying a long sleep rather than being woken up just for what?

"Tell me this is only for today," I groaned as I stepped outside our cabin with Yuan. The two beds below were still vacant and according to Yuan, they would probably arrive sometime this weekend.

She smiled. "Not exactly. This is a wake up call. As you can see, we're still in pajamas. We're going to have morning stretch and then at six, breakfast. We have one and a half hours for ourselves. That also includes the use of phone at eight to eight thirty. Camp counselors who have your phone will knock on the door and hand it to you. After thirty minutes, they'll come back to get it. By nine, activities start," she explained.

I fell on the ground, not hesitating if I would get dirty. I couldn't be more dramatic than this. I thought summer camps were supposed to be fun. This was like boot camp.

Yuan waved over when she saw Alberta and Keith coming forth. The activity area was almost crowded. As I looked around, I saw that there were groups of people having different conversations. Those were probably friends already. Once again, I saw Gustav. I turned back to Yuan and her friends. I couldn't call them my friends yet because two days were not enough to make someone your friend.

"I heard somewhere over there,"—Alberta pointed to a group of giggling girls—"that Gustav will be on dirt bike, assisting Mr. Donald. I'm so excited for that activity."

"I am so not excited for that. I'm not planning on getting dirty actually. Can I just pass that one out?" I asked, hoping they would say yes.

All three of them narrowed their eyes at me, grinning evilly. I only raised an eyebrow. Whatever they had in mind, it would be something I surely didn't like. And come to think of it, they might be thinking the same thing—these three musketeers.

"Why? Dirt bike is fun. Out of all the activities here, dirt bike is the best activity!" Yuan almost shrieked at me.

"Good morning, everyone!" Mr. Donald called onto the stage. Thank you for that. I was saved from Yuan's query.

The crowd cheered while I groaned. I couldn't wait for this to finish. Mom and dad had a lot of explaining to do. They only said that this would be fun. Where was the fun here?

"Okay, as a routine, every morning of your stay here at camp, you know that it's a tradition to have an exercise. This is to stretch out those bones of yours before you start your activities later. So stretch your arms forward and sideward to give yourself the space you needed," he said. Everyone did so but I did not.

"Where are you going?" Yuan asked.

"I'm going back to the cabin. I don't want to do that," I complained, making my way back to the cabin.

Mom and dad had to make sure that everything they will say was now a fact and not some random gossip they got from somewhere. This is not part of the things they said. All they told me was fun, fun, fun. There's a hundred percent no fun here. Suddenly then, someone stood in front of me. I got to take ten steps only but Gustav was already raising an inquiring eyebrow.

"Get out of the way," I said.

He just smirked.

"Seriously? That's all you can do? Don't tell me you're just here, blocking my way, to smirk." I tsked. I was irritated already. For the most part, everything about this camp was a zero. Zero meant a failure. If they would give me a suggestion slip, that's the grade I would give.

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