Chapter Nine: Take the left but don't leave the right

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Chapter Nine: Take the left but don't leave the right

Ellie was at the door when I got back. She smiled when she saw me but said nothing. I put down my notebook back under my pillow. Heading back to where Ellie was, I made sure that I would be nice as possible. After all, she made sure to point out that nasty roommate scared her.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked. We were now sitting at the steps of our cabin. Donna and Yuan were fast asleep and it's only seven-thirty. They had a great time today and a good night sleep was all they needed.

"Just about this morning. I'm a bit rude." I shook my head. "Wait, I was rude. I'm sorry. Just, you know," I winced, "things are just getting too complicated for me and I'm not really enjoying my stay here and also some people are just too annoying that I can't deal with them at all," I explained.

She chuckled softly. "It's alright. I completely understand you. And Gustav is really annoying, I know that," she said.

She shouldn't have mentioned his name.

"He's really like that," she added with a sigh.

I should ask more about her and Gustav. They seemed really so close to each other. Maybe she knew more about Gustav. Would he open up to Ellie and tell her the things. They looked like the couple that wouldn't hide some secrets with each other.

"Is that all?" she asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah?" It came out as a question. She raised a brow, seeming that I wasn't so sure. "Yeah," I confirmed then. "That is all. I just think I should clear. I'm not really rude. Well, just to those people who are annoying and rude."

"Good. That's good. Well, I need some sleep now. It's been a long hard day," she said. She stood up, heading inside.

I stayed seated on the step. There were stars, as always. If I was a different person, like I didn't act the way I was acting at this point, what my life would be? Where would I be today? Between the choices I had made, this path I was walking on was wonderful enough for me not to think about the other. It would be pointless to think of that direction because I was already enjoying this path I was on. I couldn't ask for anything. Maybe there's one.

"The stars are gorgeous, isn't it?" There's only a shadow in sight. It's not Gustav. "And a lovely lady is looking up at those." He showed himself and I found myself getting impressed with his looks. Not particularly the type of a guy I would like to ask me out on a date but the suit was probably okay.

"And you are?" I asked. This was what Donna had said to me. Guys would come approaching me and asking me out on a date.

He let out a bark of laughter. "Yes, of course you haven't noticed me and the way I looked at you. It's only been days, Riley but I've seen something different to you and then I was hit by Cupid's arrow," he said, not really answering my question.

"Okay. You know who I am and I'm going to keep talking to you if you say who you are. You might be a stalker and that's scary and uh... ppff. You know?"

"Yes, of course. I'm Declan. Declan Robertfield. I'm in your dirt bike class and uh, I think all of your classes," he said.

"I have only attended three so far. So I'm not really sure if you're in all of my class and I haven't noticed you in dirt bike and paint-something and photo-journalism, so..." I said, shrugging.

"That," he pointed a finger to me, "is because you're always looking at Gustav."

My mouth opened but nothing came out so I just closed it again. I thought Yuan was the only one who had that kind of observation. Their favorite person to be observed was yours truly and I couldn't be any more proud. I was the center of attention.

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