Chapter Sixteen: Well behave manners and nothing else

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Chapter Sixteen: Well behave manners and nothing else

When I was a kid, I remembered I had joined the track and field. I also did a try out for volleyball. But both sports declined me for the reason that I didn't fit for it. At first I was mad at them for saying that, but now I understood why. So I decided to do something that wouldn't take up all of my energy and that's art. Any kinds of art I would do, but I became a rebel. I used art to annoy people, to irritate them, to see them that there's more to me than just being a reckless girl.

Then I got tired joining competitions because mom nor dad had given me the time I wanted. The out of town businesses were always in the way. They'd asked me if I understood that and all I could do was smile, nod and say yes. Even if I say no, they would still go anyway.

So aunt Lucy was always the one with me. But I grew tired of her crying whenever I would win, saying that my parents would be so proud. I never get those words stuck in my mind.

My eyes fluttered open. I saw my friends all peering down at me. Worried eyes were cast upon my state. I smiled sweetly to show I was okay, that there was nothing to worry about.

"You've exhausted yourself too much," Yuan scolded but worry was obvious in her eyes.

I sat up, resting my back to the headboard. "Am I back home?" I asked first.

"We're in the inn we rented. You said to us your parents didn't know you left house so we didn't send you back home," Donna answered.

That's a relief.

"I'm sure I just lack in sleep," I said.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"What time do you want to go back to the parking lot?" Ellie asked, looking at the time. "It's six twenty-eight now."

"Let's go," I said, kicking off the blanket.

"Are you sure? I don't think—"

"I'm all good now. It was just because of exhaustion. I got enough rest so let's go," I said, cutting off Yuan.

"Is there something you're not telling us, Riley?" Yuan asked. She was the most curious of them all. She wanted to know everything that's been happening to me. I knew I was treating her as a friend now but she's not my mother to begin with.

I stood on my ground and made sure I wouldn't spill about my condition. "There's nothing, Yuan. And if there is, I'll tell everyone," I said. I walked past her and got out of the room. I had to see the people's reaction on the mural.

* * *

When we got back to the parking lot, there was a crowd circling the same exact place where I painted the hole. My friends and I pretended to be some curious people and snooped with them too.

My eyes widened when I saw that it was vandalized. I knew I vandalized the ground too but it was for an art. The mural hole had an x on it, red paint x. On it was written, Stay out of this hole. I was somewhat impressed. But even so, whoever did that should have told me about it. I felt insulted. Some of the people were taking a picture of it and commenting about how awesome the mural was.

The credit was almost not mine. My heart was beating too fast. I got out of the crowd and counted by breathing. I had to stay calm or my friends would really know something was wrong.

"Who do you think did that?" Alberta asked.

I shrugged. "Whoever who that person is, I hate him or her," I said. Mentally, twelve, thirteen, fourteen...

"He or she was probably watching us last night," Ellie commented.

I remembered Gustav was the only one we saw who came here to talk to me. He was the only one. Could he be?

"And it's not Gustav, Riley, okay? He helped out last night when you past out," Ellie added with raised eyebrow.

"Okay. Wait, he helped out?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was like, 'what happened to her?' 'what? She just passed out?' 'let's get her home'. And we're like, 'no, she doesn't want to go home'. He's hard to talk to, you know," Donna said.

"We told him you don't want to see him so he had to go," Keith said, shrugging.

"Thank you. That's just what I needed. But now, I just want to know who did that to my mural. It was about to be my biggest prank ever. The hole, the scared people—even though I haven't seen their faces once I push them on it—and all other things that would've made this possibly the best," I ranted. I sighed. There was not much I could do anyway. I just had to sulk it up because for sure, no one would come up to me to tell that it's okay.

The whole afternoon passed by in a blur. By 2:10 pm, I received a message from my parents already.

What have you done this time? Please go home as leaving the house on your own is not alright, said the text from my mom.

I replied to tell them I was doing okay but I would not go home yet.

And why not? Replied mom.

I have things to finish.

And what would that be? For all I know, your summer duties or responsibities are all over.

You won't understand anyway, I replied, trying not to sound frustrated and annoyed.

I don't like you being far from us.

I'm not far, but I'm not that near. Just let me have the summer I want and then I'll be home in no time. I swear.

Okay, but take care and please, avoid any exhausting activity. Your condition is, as you know, getting worse. Let's not make it worst.

I understood the care my mom was showing to me but if it's too much, it made her a little clingy mother.

* * *

"Riley?" Donna called me out. We were still at the inn we rented and decided to stay there for another two days until we knew where we would spend the other days of our summer.


"How are you now?" she asked.

Confused, I looped my arm to her and pulled her to sit beside me. "I'm okay now. If this was about the mural, it'll pass by."

"It's not about the mural actually."

I stared at her, eyes questioning. "Then what?"

"It's about, uh... How do you say that?" She scratched the back of her head, making a face as she did so. "Well, about Gustav..."

"What about him?"

"Donna?" Ellie yanked the door opened. "What are you doing?" She went closer and pulled Donna with her. "She's just trying to ask something."

"Yeah, she is. It might be important, though. So Ellie—"

"It's not that important. I'll be able to help her now. Later, Riley!" she said, cutting me off. She ran out with Donna linked on her. They were hiding something but I wasn't that type of a person who snooped around other people much.

So I just lay back on bed and sleep, tried my very best to sleep.    

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