Chapter 11

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Pretty much pure fluff lol

(Part 2 of flashback. Date 2 of 4)

July 1, 1980.

Charles knocked on the door to Diana's flat. With him he carried a huge bag of gifts that he spent all night wrapping. Today was Diana's 19th birthday and he wanted to make it as perfect as she was.

Diana ran to the door and swung it open. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress with a cute bow on the right side of her blonde hair. She looked at him and smiled widely.

"Hi Charles!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Charles smiled at her, she always had that effect on him.

"Happy Birthday my darling" he told her, kissing her forehead and pulling her closer to him. She smiled, nuzzling into his chest.

"I made a cake last night! All by myself! I made to my favorite flavor, Double Chocolate. So the cake part is chocolate and the icing is also chocolate and also there's chocolate chips in it because I kinda felt like it... haha!" Diana told him, bouncing up and down. Her blue eyes were shining brighter than the stars in the sky.

He thought she was more beautiful than the moon itself.

He put the bag of gifts down on the table. Diana smiled up at him.

"You're the only one here... sisters don't have time..." Diana told him, her smile briefly fading, but quickly returning.

"But that means I get to spend more time with you! I love you!" she told him, giving him a look of pure love and affection.

"I love you too sweetheart"

The dinner was pizza. Admittedly, this was the second he'd had pizza in his whole life. That was because Queen Elizabeth never let him eat it saying "it's not proper for a Royal". The first time he ate pizza was on his first date with Diana. The fancy restaurant they wanted to go to had somehow caught on fire and Diana had offered to buy them both pizza. At first he was hesitant, but he ended up really enjoying it.

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