Chapter 71

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This time, it felt truly coerced. In the expansive land of Terua, Duke Denkart's loyalty was renowned, known by all. Yet, to be disregarded in such a manner? Dylaila's positive demeanor couldn't sway the maids, and frustration brewed within her.

"Truly! I feel insignificant to everyone! Even Father!" The conclusion lingered. "I wish to wed someone like my brother, or even marry my brother!"

"Oh dear, Princess. Today, Her Majesty sent pearls for you. Allow us to adorn you," the maids spoke kindly, adorning Dylaila's hair with jewelry she might fancy.

Her long platinum hair, a symbol of her noble lineage, gained even more allure. Yet, Dylaila's countenance darkened. Gazing at her reflection, she whispered like a doll, "I miss my brother."

"Shall I read Prince Louis's letter to you?"

"I'm weary of letters. Instead, I yearn to see my real brother."

Ah... What to do with Princess Dylaila? The maids were truly on the brink of tears.

Prince Louis had been away from the palace for an extended period due to his studies in the Sacred Empire. The maids had always held him in high regard for his expansive vision, freedom, and noble character. However, lately, resentment crept in.

If only Prince Louis were present, he could sway the princess. "Princess, would you do us the honor of joining in our play?"

At least Dylaila took pleasure in childhood games. The predicament lay in Prince Louis's absence. As the maids attempted to console her, Dylaila's expression suddenly shifted, as though she had a revelation.

"Oh, of course. The Grand Duke is paying a visit today. I wish to see the Grand Duke! I shall play with the Grand Duke!"

With Prince Louis away, there was no one to deter the princess. Dylaila voiced her grievances to her father, who never truly held affection for his daughter, and acquired the desired permission. Subsequently, the carriage proceeded unwaveringly toward the townhouse in the capital.

Though the maids had whispered of Duke Denkart's proximity, Dylaila paid them no heed. Finally arriving at the mansion, emitting an eerie, subtly bluish hue, Dylaila scrutinized it disapprovingly.

'Why did the Grand Duke come to see Manelano Stell before me?' Dylaila muttered, determined to raise the issue. She stepped into the mansion, leaving the maids trailing behind, unable to keep pace.

Navigating through the garden, her voluminous dress caught on something. Attempting to lift the hem with her delicate hands proved futile. According to etiquette, the proper position for holding the dress was ankle-high. Tripping and stumbling, she found herself entangled in the garden. The Stell family flaunted their opulence, and the topiaries and shrubs had grown so tall they formed a maze.

"Why did I choose these shoes?"

Rubbing her sore legs, she suddenly sensed someone behind her.

"Are you uncomfortable?"


Caught off guard by the sudden presence, Dylaila's heart raced. She turned to find a boy much taller than herself, smiling apologetically.

His shining silver hair framed a pale face that seemed harmless. But his swiftness was equally surprising. From birth, Dylaila possessed the ability to discern people's temperaments. She caught a glimpse of his character.

"...Radiant and warm."

If the dark and brooding Duke was a demon, this boy was an angel. The title of "angel" suited him better than Duke Denkart.

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