Chapter 77

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I couldn't stay still, feeling guilty for leaving without a word after all he had done for me. To hide my burgeoning guilt, I spoke with even more brightness.

"I haven't taken any. Actually, tonics don't really suit me. I'm incredibly robust, as you can see."

"You don't look robust at all. Why didn't you take it? You're not healthy, you know."

"...Do I look that frail to you, Edric?"

Borrowing Rimson's expression, I asked, causing Edric's eyebrows to shoot up. Even though it suited his handsome forehead... his mood didn't seem to brighten.

"Hey, that's not true. I'm healthy. Didn't you know? Healthy means Lobel, and Lobel means healthy."


"There's probably no one in all of Denkart healthier than me."

The joke, a rare occurrence for me, was delivered with extra cheer. However, it had no effect.

Instead, it seemed to backfire, as Edric, who had been listening, turned his head sharply towards the window, his profile stark with displeasure.

'Why... Why is he angry? I didn't say anything wrong.'

Despite the warm weather, it felt as if a cold breeze was emanating from Edric.

I flinched but didn't show it, trying to continue the conversation, desperate as the time we had left was running short.

"Isn't there a silver stag there? Aren't you excited?"

"Not at all."

"Ah... I see. Yes, of course. You can feel that way. It's completely normal not to be excited."


Edric, contrary to my hopes, seemed uninterested in conversing with me. Was it because of overwork? He seemed... irritable... and eventually, I decided it was time to leave.

"Should I... go now?"

Despite my reluctance, Edric did not hold me back. His tightly pursed lips clearly showed he was upset.

'...Why is he acting this way?'

I pondered over his mood as I made my way back to my carriage.

I planned to cheer him up once we reached the palace. That thought occupied my mind the entire ride.

However, I couldn't soothe him as planned.

Upon arriving at the palace and alighting from the carriage, the crowd was too frenzied for me to get a word in.

I watched Edric from a distance.

"...So far away."

Surrounded by lavishly dressed nobles, Edric seemed too distant, and the realization that we would soon be even further apart made my mood sour.

I spent the remaining time trying to hear his voice one last time.

But all I could hear were the whispers of those mocking Edric.

"Wow, he actually came? He can walk, but can he even hold a crossbow?"

"Look. He'll probably just catch a squirrel or a rabbit. Or maybe he'll just cry and come back."

As I glared at them, I realized it was a waste of time.

I turned my attention back to Edric.

By then, Edric, already dressed for hunting, was heading towards the hunting ground entrance.

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