Chapter 82

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Although my plan to serve the young master properly failed, the young master himself succeeded once again.

Through the hunt, he widely spread his name and earned recognition among the nobility for his efforts towards rehabilitation and his talent.

Moreover, it seemed the young master had caught the prince's eye. Although our conversation in the temple was brief, I felt the prince's fondness for the young master.

'Now, truly, the young master's days of unhappiness end, and happiness begins...'

The young master, as a protagonist, only has left to shine brighter and be loved by many. I felt somewhat relieved.

And I knew it was my turn to step aside. That's why I spent all night writing a new letter of resignation and hid it in the carriage.

Then, I planned to discreetly disembark from the carriage heading to Denkart and return home... That was the plan. Surely, that had been the plan.

But reality was not so accommodating.

"Why do you keep looking outside? It's distracting."

There was no chance to escape; security was tight.

Currently, Rimsson and Blivan were seated tightly beside me... Did this large carriage feel cramped, or was it just my imagination?

As suffocating as it was, with Rimsson on one side and Blivan steadfastly not leaving his post on the other.

I swallowed a sigh and looked to the side. Rimsson, whom I had not seen in a long time, looked significantly thinner.

I heard that Denkart had been in turmoil while I was in the temple.

Of course, I had expected some of it, but it seems some vassals took the incident more seriously than I thought.

After all, being the young master's only personal servant, any threat to me was perceived similarly to a threat to him.

"They've been investigating day and night... They said some servant accidentally started a fire."

He seemed to have more to say but hesitated under Blivan's watchful eyes.

Noticing this, Blivan, who had been with us all this time, excused himself during mealtime.

Finally alone in the carriage, Rimsson shared the rest of the story he hadn't finished.

After listening, I looked at Rimsson skeptically.

"Do you really believe that?"

"Of course not. The vassals were in an uproar. It was my first time seeing Count Clant make such a face. You almost got kidnapped and killed. It was fortunate that the suspicious person was caught."

I knew the perpetrator was apprehended, but I hadn't anticipated such developments.

At least my innocence was proven, which was a small consolation. Now, I could resign citing health reasons......

"The fire was extinguished thanks to a timely downpour... Whew. If you're going to stay by the young master's side, you better take better care of yourself."

I awkwardly laughed it off and dodged the answer. After all, I was already planning to leave, just delaying it a bit.

But had the young master instinctively sensed the moment of parting...?

Ever since my return, the young master started to keep a distance from me more conspicuously.

Though I had felt him being awkward before the hunt... now, he was deliberately keeping a distance.

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