Chapter 73

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Sent back three times... huh, truly. The Count of Clant was utterly flabbergasted upon receiving the full report from Edric's knight. It was incomprehensible to him how Edric could show such disrespect towards the princess, especially when an opportunity arose to dine with the princess and the Grand Duke at the very least, yet Edric had excused himself from the situation.

Moreover, after making excuses, he was reportedly just reading and chatting with a servant in the mansion.

'This headache is unbearable.'

For Count Clant, who had always emphasized the importance of connections with the royal family, this behavior was unfathomable.

He thought Edric, being well-behaved and well-educated, would be free of issues, yet he never expected problems to arise in this manner.

This led him to recall a certain rumor.

'That rumor... seems it wasn't entirely baseless after all.'

He had dismissed it as a trivial matter, considering Edric to still be innocently naïve in such affairs.

Given that among the nobility, many had consorts, and some indulged in same-sex relations, he thought it would be something to consider as Edric grew older.

However, treating the princess, with whom a deep connection was to be established even before any betrothal, so cavalierly was a different matter.


At that moment, one of his confidants spoke up in a grave tone.

"We've discovered that Lobel sent mail using another forged identity. And... recently, it's come to light that he's been communicating with another party using a trained bird, different from the usual postal birds."

Sending mail with a forged identity was suspicious enough, but exchanging secret messages using a trained bird...

Denkart had many friendly houses, but the number of hostile ones was equally high.

Perhaps, this Lobel was a spy, thoroughly trained and sent by an enemy faction, tasked with gaining the young lord's trust to eventually shake the foundations or even bring about his downfall.

The conclusion was clear.

'The time will come to eliminate him.'


"Bel, Bel! Let's play house!!"

Was I... haunted by a spirit who died unjustly without having played house in their past life?

Princess Delilah pulled on my left hand.

Then, as if not to be outdone, the young lord pulled on my right hand.

Save me, Lobel...

"Lobel has another commitment with me. Please come another time if you wish."

"No! It's a royal command, let go!"

...What in the world is this situation?

I was at a loss, caught in the tug of war.

Well... it's nice to be loved by adorable children... but I'm starting to get tired.

This was the fourth time.

Princess Delilah came to our mansion every single day without fail.

The reason being, she wanted me to be her playmate!... rather, her toy, in the absence of the Crown Prince.

It was quite a demand to make of a duke's personal servant, yet the princess proudly announced she had already obtained the duke's permission.

Well, me... I've always liked kids. I tried to go along with it... but the problem was the young lord.

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