chapter 2: scarred hearts

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I stood there in silence, before letting out a deep sigh.

"What gave it away, huh?" I asked.

"Dude, I've known you for a long time now and even before that, even though we've never met face to face until a few years or so ago." Moro said, with crossed arms.

"Can we like, sit down first?" I asked.

"Sure." He said, gesturing to nearby bench.

We would both walk over and sat down. I took a moment to myself to collect my thoughts, before talking.

"Aight, what do you wanna know first?" I asked.

"Are you and Makoto okay?" He asked.

"That's a tough one......i keep giving her my all, but it's like I'm on a hampster wheel and she keeps inching further and further away." I said.

"I see..."

"I mean, she'll be flirty with me sometimes, but when i try to be intimate or try touching her, she'll flinch or back away.....and it's like the more i try to get closer, the more distant she becomes. I wanna say it's mind games, but i don't want to jump to conclusions, you know?"


"Garnetta loves her to bits and even made a doll of her, but she wants me to put a ring on her as soon as possible so she can have an actual mother."


"She should be over this by now, given it's been a long time ago, but.....i also understand her fear....." i said, looking at the ground.

"......scars aren't easy to get rid of my man. It's human nature to have underlying fears and worry from something that has happened in the past......however, if this is impacting your relationship, then maybe....something needs to happen for better or worse."

Something i could count on about moro, he's honest and truthful, even though he can be a buzzkill and a nag. He's one of the mature ones in our rag tag crew.

The moro trio is apparently a special task force of the knight's division that the head royals send out to take care of particular missions, knowing i have a large staff as is with the senshi assisting me.

-deep in the palace, minako was wandering the halls-

It was a bright, crisp day today. I just wanted to walk the halls for a little bit before i go out and maybe go to the park for a walk. While i was on my way out, about to walk down the stairs, i seen makoto leaning on the wall and looking outside.

"Heya mako! How are you?" I said cheerfully.

"Oh! Heya mina! I'm doing alright i suppose!" She said with a smile.....but i felt something off from her.

"Are you SUUUURE you're okay?" I said, peering out the window and seen San and Moro on a bench outside, talking to each other.

I glanced at makoto, then San.

"It's your boyfriend! Why don't you talk to him? Maybe go on a date? Ehhhhh?? Maybe some place spicy, like a club? Eh?" I said as i teased and poked at her.

"Heheh...maybe..." she said with a half-hearted chuckle.

Now i knew something was off.

"Alright, talk to me mako. You're NEVER like this." I said.

She wouldn't talk, but i wasn't gonna budge.

Eventually she cracked a bit.

"I'm....still scared of him...." she said, holding herself.

"Makooooo! Shame on you!" I said, upset at her.

"Have you ever been struck by a man that you let your guard down around? I know he didn't mean to and that he's gotten help for his PTSD, but that red aura stemmed from his trauma. When his aura is red.....he becomes a bloodthirsty monster! I witnessed it first hand when he faced wildcard! Then the other day when garnetta was held at knife point by a thug, his red aura was about to activate! What if i make him angry one day and he snaps on me? I know he's changed, but i still have this fear in my heart, mina!" She confessed.

I wanted to call her petty so badly and slap her for that.....but i understand where she's coming from kind of.

I let out a sigh and looked her in the eye.

"You two need to work this out. I've seen you flirt with him and be sweet on him, but any time he tries to reach for you, you either flinch or back away. You don't realize it, but you're leading him on and playing mind games mako. Now, i know you're not the type to do so, but do you consider how he feels? I mean think about it mako!" I said bluntly.

"I.....i kno-"

"No, you don't!"

She clammed up.

"San is a great guy, he didn't ask to be raped by rattan, he didn't ask to go through all that trauma, the panic attacks, and so forth! Yes, i was there! He had one at the local pub! I consoled him, would you have done that?? Hmm?? He still has them too, but not as bad, if he has one, he steps in another room to calm down. You have something good going on here, however, if you're so afraid of him, then you need to break things off with him so he's not suffering!" I shouted.

She was shocked for a moment, before she looked down and to the side, holding he left arm.

"'re a sweet girl. You've always dreamed of getting married, having kids, opening a flower shop, working at your own dessert shoppe, and living the dream as a loving wife without being judged for your height and being loved for who you are.....if you don't think san is the one and if what he did a long time bothers you so have to do the right thing." I said.

" you can swoop in and get him?" She said, raising her head and looking at me angrily.

Something came over me.....
All i knew was the aftermath.....
She stood with a red hand print on her face and my hand stinging.....
I just slapped one of my best friends.....
But i didn't feel bad one bit.

"GET IT TOGETHER!! How dare you accuse me of being that way!! I am not a vulture or anything of the sort! What has gotten into you?!" I shouted.

"I know how you feel about him mina.....people talk...." she said as she held her face with a blank expression and walked away.

"Mako?? Mako!! Come back!!" I shouted.

But she was already gone.

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