chapter 28: Hathor

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I couldn't sleep that night....
I was too anxious and wired from dealing with the exorcism we did....

Apparently, shortly after me and mom went in to rest, teguma, sven, and nezu went out to clear the sand and unbury the village. I guess i must've slept through it.

I would walk outside in the dead of night and find me a comfortable dune to sit on and just simply star gaze for once.

It was a beautiful night and very calm out. I can't help but, worry for Rameses safety. I still had the death sigil, so he is alive, though i can't imagine why they would kill him. It wouldn't make any sense. They could have just assassinated him at the banquet and called it a day!

I just hope they're not torturing the guy and putting him through hell.....

"Can't sleep?" A voice said from behind me, causing me to jolt a little.

It was Hathor, smiling and waving at me.

"Nah...." i said.

She walked up to where i was and sat down next to me in a lady like fashion.

She was a bit taller than me. From a distance i thought she was muscular, but she wasn't really too muscular, just fit. She had cow....or is it ox?- horns sticking out from the sides of her head, with cow ears to match. Her hair was dark brown and she seemingly wore a complexion of kindness and a motherly aura about her. Her fuku looked to be....cyan?.....light blue? The night lightning made it difficult to tell. She definitely had some bust to her, not like i was paying attention to that detail or anything.

I was told she was a cousin to neph, but, they act and speak on a completely different plane from what I've seen. She is far more nicer and kind than neph is, who is a spitfire and borderline arrogant in nature.

"Hmm? Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"Oh! Sorry! I zoned out for a moment....haven't had a good nights rest in a while, i tend to zone out!" I said, lying through my teeth. Her eyes caught the moon light so perfectly, i was mesmerized by them! Like a deer in headlights....

"It's fine hehe!" She said giggling.

We would sit there for a moment, star gazing together in complete bliss.

"So...about what seth said...."


"Are they really like that?"

She sighed before giggling to herself.

"Yes, he's not lying one bit." She said with a smile.

"Are you serious??" I exclaimed.

She nodded.

"He was touchy during the banquet. Did you not notice?" She asked.

I shook my head no.

"The hand on the thigh. The arm around and slowly bringing his hand back to feel her back. The low wrap around to feel her lower back. The light arm brush against her breast. It was all there....hes a sneaky pharaoh, but we know what he does.....and she likes it apparently!" She said with a giggle.

My jaw dropped in astonishment. I didn't notice it at first.....but in hindsight, i remembered some of that happening! That sly dog!.....literally! Because he's a dog, kinda....sorta!

"He plans to have as many children the queen can physically have. She's the very submissive, shy type when it comes to him. She's always the blushing wife." She said with a smile.

"A blushing wife eh?" I said with a smile in return.

"Mhm! I hope one day that I'll be a blushing wife someday.....i have a dream....though i like art and my own personal taste in fun, i wish to be a medicinal professional and inventor like my well as being a loving wife and mother to my family some day. Still waiting for the right one. My primary goal though is the aforementioned. I want that to happen first!" She said with a smile.

"My goal is to be a great leader and knight...find a mother for my daughter and raise her the best way i can. Not much of lofty goals i know." I said with a chuckle.

"To be a parent and raise a child is quite the goal in within itself! As well as being a leader and warrior for your kingdom, that's no small feat either. Do not discount yourself, sir solar knight." She said with a smile.

"Eh, I'll try not to." I said, crossing my arms and looking at the distant desert.

I looked at the kings necklace and pushed it aside to pull out a locket. It was heart shaped locket, containing a small photo of my smiling daughter. I decided to get a photo and put it in a locket in case i got homesick while on duty and needed some little something to make me smile. Her dorky, bright smile could light up a room.

I felt hathor lean over and looked at the photo too.

"Awww, is that your daughter?" She said with a warm smile.

"Yeah....her name's garnetta. She's the sugar cube in my coffee. The honey in my tea. She turns my bitter days into a sweeter one, i swear." I said with a smile.

"She's absolutely adorable!" Hathor exclaimed.

"Yeah....i adopted her after rescuing her from a terrible lifestyle without parents.....well, she had a "parent", a terrible mother she turned into a doll after she tricked her own daughter into turning her father into a doll and casting him into the furnace, murdering him. She was imprisoned later, needless to say." I said.

"Goodness!! The poor girl!!" She exclaimed with her hands over her mouth.

There was more to the story than that, but my eyes were starting to get heavy and my mind was starting to wane a bit.

"So....what are you doin with my cousin, you goon?" Said a voice from behind us.

It was Neph, the little spitfire i love to antagonize.

"Uhhhh sitting and chatting, if its any of your concern." I said flatly.

"Oh it is my concern. Especially when a clown might be trying to seduce my cousin!" She growled.

"Now now....let's get along..." hathor said, trying to defuse the situation.

"Seduce you say? Hmm. So sitting with someone and talking is seduction. So that means, that I'm seducing you right now! Is my charms working? Are you falling for me?" I said with a smug look.

She blushed and scoffed, before she growled.

"Absolutely not! Hmph!" She said, crossing her arms and walking away.

"I do wish you two would get along...." hathor said with a sigh.

"That's just our way of communicating at this point, hahaha!" I said with a smile.

"I suppose.....she is a good girl at heart, despite her rough and sometimes arrogant demeanor." 

"Oh, i bet she is. I just find it fun to pick on her a bit." I said with a snicker.

"Hehe, just don't take it too far. We ought to get some sleep, we have more traveling tomorrow." She said with a yawn.

"Yeah, goodnight, hope we can talk some more tomorrow." I said.

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