chapter 36: campsite

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"Why was he ranting on and on about some lady named Rehmea? He was about to punch poor rosco, too!" Nezu exclaimed.

"We call that simping back at home." Sven said.

"Its a good thing rosco headbutted him...." xylu said, poking the unconscious simon with a stick.

I crossed my arms and looked at the sky.

"It is noon, night time shall fall soon, moronio." Tamono said to me.

I nodded in agreement.

"Lets set up camp by that oasis over there. We'll fill up out canteens and treat simon of heatstroke." I said.

"Sounds good to me, here help me out birdy buddy." Sven said, grabbing Simon's ankles.

"Will do." Akira said, grabbing Simon's shoulders, then the two would team lift him to the oasis nearby.

One of the few things we brought with us on our journey was a camping essentials kit. It came with a few pop up tents, wood for a campfire with starter, a pot and a pan, spoon, eating utensils, cups, and so on all bundled together in a few blankets to lay on over night. Since the sand was your pillow basically, all you had to do was form your "bed" and throw the blanket on top. It seemed practical enough, but also, i can see several things that could go wrong. This was just a bare essentials kit for soldiers, so, what we get is what we get.

"Ugh this sucks...." said the princess.

"I will admit, i have worked with worse...." said vestas.

"Mhm....remember when we had to go on that mission in the jungle?" Commented juno.

"UGH THE MOSQUITOS!!" Shouted vestas.

"The creepy looking bugs...." ceres said.

"Not to mention then icky snakes!" Pallas said.

"Where is fiance darling?" Vestas said.

"Oh wow, he went from fiance to fiance darling huh?" Usagi said with a smirk.

"Gu-uh! It's a slip of the tongue!!" Vestas protested.

"He did look good shirtless....mmmm....mmmm..." said juno.

"Pallas likes his fluffy hair, and wonders what he uses!" She said.

"I will admit, he is rather dashing...." cere said with a smile.

"Geez, can you stop sucking on his dick already...." i mumbled to myself.

"Now now, they're young and in love. Not to mention amazonians have their own tastes." Akira said, helping me set up the other tent.

"Look, i like the guy, but he isn't a god!" I growled.

"Where is this hostility coming from?" Akira said with a raised brow.

"N-nothing!" I exclaimed.

I feel that my curse might kick in tomorrow, because my feminine traits are almost full swing.

"Haha, alright alright. That should be the last peg.....sven might be done with the bandit stew." Akira said, dusting off himself and his hands.

"What is all in it?" I asked Sven, who was sitting at the fire and was stirring the pot.

"Lil bit of mushroom, lil bit of onion, chunk of beef, and some beef broth, along with papa sven's dash of his seasoning!" Sven said with a chuckle.

" used the damn kit sven, i can just pull out the recipe card. Also...papa sven??" I said flatly.

"What? I am a father ya know. So that means i am a papa! Hahahaha!" Sven laughed.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

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