chapter 4: day by day

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The next morning would play out as the following.

Garnetta wakes up before me.
Garnetta wakes me up, because she's up.
I tell her to give me ten minutes and she agrees (i did it because she doesn't know what minutes is and I'm milking it.
She runs in and slaps my chest really hard and tells me ten minutes is up.
I scolded her for slapping my chest, but looked at the clock and the cheeky little brat was right and can tell time now.
I get up.
Make her and me some breakfast.
Then sit and watch TV as we eat.

It was our usual routine for a while and we have no problems or qualms about it.  She would look up from her oatmeal and had a sad look on her face.

"Is makoko coming ober today?" She asked.

I was about to eat another bite of my cheesy scrambled eggs, but I set down my fork on my plate and sighed deeply, giving it extra thought. I looked at the phone on the wall and genuinely felt....nothing. i felt hollow with some hurt in there.

Here lately, makoto hasn't been coming over that often. Either it's something she's busy with on her end or I just get an answering machine or one of the girls. There are times when i forget too. When she does come over, she's smiling and having a good time with garnetta, but her flirtiness towards me and happiness feels either distant or off.

I looked up then looked at garnetta with a smile.

"Let's go see uncle sven!" I said.

"Yaaay!! I can play wiff the baby!!" She said excitedly, wolfing down her oatmeal.

She would then zoom to her room to get her things as i finished my food. Once i got finished, i picked up her bowl and spoon, along with my things and placed them all in the washer. Then went to my room to get dressed for the day.

The royal family has been generous with our days off, since we've been seemingly dealing with crap back to back. It feels nice having a week off and just, doing whatever i want.

Spending time with my daughter.
Checking out second hand stores.
Renting or going to the theaters to see new movies.
The list of things to do was seemingly endless!

Once we were ready to go, i locked the door and walked with her to Sven and Kyubi's house.

Kyubi used to simply live at her clinic, since she had a room of her own and would have a lot on her plate, but since she's with sven now and has a baby girl, sakura, she lives at their new home nearby a small river, deep into the woods, on the outskirts of the village.

It was a simple cottage sort of house, with a garden in the back, flower beds in the front, an insect haven on the left most near the woods, and a fungus moss farm by the river. The ideal dream home for a potion brewer and witch.

In the front yard was kyubi, sven, and sakura under a large tree, with sven playing ball with the baby, rolling it to her and her rolling it back.

"Eyyyyy!" I shouted and waved.

"Good morning!!" He shouted and waved back.

Garnetta zoomed by me and immediately hugged the baby and started playing with her. I smiled at the wholesome sight.

Sven unfolded a chair for me and offered me an ice cold cola from their cooler.

"Thanks man." I said as i sat down.

"No prob!" Sven said.

"Where's your other half?" Kyubi asked.

I cracked open the can of cola and froze on the spot.

"I uh....didn't...ask her" i said nervously.

"She's not over it and she's yanking you around." Both of them said in unison.

"It's my issue, get off my case!" I protested.

"Alright alright, but this technically is a mind game on your end, San. You want her to be closer to you, but she keeps stepping away and subconsciously holding what happened against you." Kyubi said.

I didn't say a word, because that's exactly what's going on.

We're both confused as to what we should do next and are both afraid. We want to be a loving couple, but....rattan screwed that up for us.....but to be honest, i feel like makoto is the one screwing things up for us now. I have been doing all of this therapy and crap and she wants more, it feels like! Like she will NEVER forgive me truly for something i shouldn't have to show or apologize for! Why must i suffer more and more by the day?? I just want happiness.

Apparently i was crying silently, and giving away my emotions that i wanted no one to see, because sven came up to me and rubbed by back and patted it.

"I know it must be hard, i wish this didn't happen to ya, you've done a lot and deserve a happy relationship.....i don't have any hard feelings towards makoto, she's great and everything. Rattan is the enemy here." He said to me.

"I feel you two should break it off for a while and when you've both healed and want to try it again, you can! I just feel like that there's too much pressure and anxiety between you two and you both feel like you should force a change, due to the little one. She's a cutie pie, but, there's no reason for being in a relationship you both aren't comfortable being in for her sake. Makoto would only see being her mother as an obligation, instead of something you understand?" She said, looking at me.

I wiped my eyes and nose on my shirt and nodded.

She's a brilliant psychiatrist.....she knows what's up and what to say to fix things.

We hung out at their house until it was late and garnetta was asleep. She fell asleep while me, sven, and kyubi were playing a word scramble game.

I picked her up and took her home with me.

I.....i have to break up with makoto....
So we can both heal .....
This is going to be difficult.....
I'd rather just fight tenzen again....

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