chapter 25: trek in the sand part 1

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The desert is no joke

It is blazing hot, even in the afternoon.
Dry as a bone.
And very....very empty.

The song that i heard back in the USA about a man being in the middle of a desert with a horse with no name, and this song came on the radio semi-frequently. This is fitting, but it's a camel....and he has a name.....and I'm not alone in the desert.....and the city is just a few miles ba- OH MY GOD I HATE THIS!!

"Uggggggggh!" I groaned out loud.

"Ah, i can see that this is your first time traveling in a desert! Well.....second time..." simon said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, first time wasn't so graceful..." i admitted.

"How did we not pack water or anything?!" Exclaimed usagi.

"Because we thought we could just walk there i guess." Sven said, groaning a bit.

We were definitely more prepared this go round. We had plenty of water and food, wore cloaks and loose covering to protect our skin from the sun, and even put on the special sunscreen to increase our resilience to the heat. See, how it works is that it deflects the external heat, and keeps the normal body heat and maintain it.

"So general Seth." Akira said.

"Aye?" He replied.

"Could you tell us a bit about your homeland? Something to help make time go by?" Akira asked.

"Oh, yes yes! Tell them! You're good at this!" Hathor said excitedly.

I recently was informed of their names prior to departure. The taller cow girl senshi was Hathor, the smaller spitfire cow girl was Nephthysisl...Nephullthysis... I'mma just call her Neph. The lion girl is named Sekhmut.....Sekmet....why can't i pronounce shit? Sek it is.....ehhhh, that sounds too crude. And the bunny girl is named wenet. I swear these names are out there, some are easy to pronounce, like simon or seth, then you got names like Nesphfysil.....screw it!

"Why are you making weird faces, San?" Moro asked.

"I'm having a complex in my mind!" I said out of frustration.

"Shouldn't be too hard." Snarked Neph.

"What?? I can't hear you from down there! Send a letter or something!" I retaliated.

She growled for a moment, before huffing and looking away from me.

"These lands used to be extremely hazardous to travel on. There used to be five youma that reeked havoc across the lands, not only just this one, but there were accounts of them attacking planet mau too. Now however, we're a thriving capital of Anubis." Seth explained.

"I couldn't help, but notice everything looks like earth's version of ancient egypt. Is there a cause for that?" I asked.

"What? Are you implying the anubians copied your planet? Get real, you fool!" Neph said.

I ignored her comment and it made her mad.

"Actually, according to records, that's basically what happened!" Seth said with a smile.

"Eh?" Neph said, stunned a bit.

"You see, our forefathers would visit planets to seek inspiration for building our planet's nation and architecture, and would come across the humble planet of earth. The humans, egyptians, seen them as deities of sorts and welcomed them with open arms. They took deep intrigue with the architecture, the carvings, the art, the whole concept and soaked it all in, to the point that they decided to mimic their ways onto our planet. Long ago, the once precious alliance we had with the mautions was destroyed when Tia, the villainess you seen at the banquet, killed the late queen Rehmea. This could cause a divide between two, banning all anubians from stepping foot on the planetever again." Seth explained.

"No wonder you reacted the way you did when you seen her at the banquet hall." Juno said.

Seth nodded.

"It was all mended later though, when my brother would marry Mau, who is queen today after defeating the likes of Tia and the monsters that once plagued these sands." Seth said.

"Wow, that explains a lot." Xylu said, curled up on moro's lap in cat form.

"Are we racially kin, sir xylu?" Simon asked.

"We phantos have often been seen as cousins to the mautions. Where you are in the sun most of the time, we are in the dark most of the time." Xylu explained.

"Ah, i see." Simon said, rubbing his chin in thought.

"What about your people, sir San? What complications with other planets have you had? I'm sure your people are united and fight against invaders quite a few times!" Seths said with excitement.

Me and my whole damn team all collectively groaned and acted nervously as we tried to look for the right words to describe the human race. We never unite for shit, we didn't have ships to even explore planets, until recently, and holy crap we war over the stupidest of things for supremacy and dominance.

The others gave us weird looks, as we tried to paint a decent picture of earth, but we were painting with water colors metaphorically and everything is turning to mush.

Usagi ultimately just sighed and gave in.

"Not gonna lie....we're not in the best condition. My father and mother being king and queen stopped quite a few of the issues, but even them as a world leader, it's still shakey to say the least." She admitted.

They looked at us as if trying to process what she just said.

"I mean, we have bandit clans and such, but....a divided world? Sounds chaotic." Seth admitted.

"It is." We said all at once.

"Well, I'm sure it's still as beautiful as the  days that i visited it!" Simon said with a smile.

"So, what are your senshi like? Aside the ones present." Asked the lion girl. I still can't pronounce her name.

"Well....Venus is the leader of the inner senshi, she's a veteran, very mature but, sometimes ditzy and goofy. Mars is a hothead, but very calm and collected when she needs to be, very strong. Jupiter is a bit of a tomboy, but loves to cook and tend to flowers, owns two businesses and is kind, despite her intimidating presence. Mercury is the smartest of the group, boasting a high IQ and is the kingdom's doctor. Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune have high paying jobs in the space, advertisement/racing, and musical fields respectively. And Saturn is currently in college, striving to follow their footsteps!" The princess explained.

"Oh wow, they all seem like bright minds!" The lion girl said.

She noded in agreement.

The wind would suddenly start to pick up and it felt kind of nice.

"Aaaah....a refreshing breeze...." i said out loud.

"No....A sand storm is brewing!!" Simon yelled, pointing to the west of us.

A faint, dusty cloud slowly emerged on the horizon, bearing a slowly growing sense of dread.

"There's a village! Hurry! Hyah!" Seth said, cracking the reins to his camel and guiding us to the village nearby.

We all would crack our reins and followed suit, trying to hurry before getting in the middle of the storm.

"Sand storms are horrible as it is dangerous to be in. The winds can pick up to such a degree that the sand itself can shred flesh from bone! Not only that, it is difficult to breathe and see in. If you're not wearing goggles during it, it can destroy your eyes!" Simon explained.

"Eek! I wanna be in my mech suit nooow!" Nezu cried.

"And what? Clog it up with sand??" Sven remarked.

"Good point, let's hurry!!" She yelled.

The winds would start to howl and grow stronger as the storm bellowed behind us. I was too afraid to look at the towering wall of sand and dust heading towards us.....

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