chapter 39: San in the sand

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We would stop chatting and see three dust clouds in the distance, as if something landed there.

"What on earth?" I said out loud.

"I shall see what it is, sir moro." Akira said as he flew in the distance.

I watched him fly around a particular area, then flap in place for a good few minutes.

"Moro....something doesn't feel right." Said tamono.

"Yeah, i feel the same...." i said, still observing akira's odd behavior.

I would see him look directly at us and shout as us to come there from afar.

"I knew it!" I said, as we all got up and ran.

I stopped to a halt.

"No, princess keep your group here and simon, you as well! We can't leave our things unguarded!" I shouted.

They nodded and went back. It was just me, xylu, tamono, and nezu running. As we had gotten close, akira would slowly land and lift someone up in his arms. It was one of the senshi from this system, Sekhmet!

When we got there, the other two, hathor and Nephthys were laying on the ground unconscious.

"It's their senshi!" Xylu said, going to on of them, trying to shake them awake.

Akira would examine Sekhmet.

"She's not harmed, just dirty from sand and dust....her lower half is caked in some sort of muddy sand." Akira said aloud.

Sekhmet would cough a bit before waking up. She would jolt up and spring to her feet and bolted.

"Wait! What are you-" i shouted.

"HE BURRIED SAN!! HE'S GOING TO DIE!!" She screamed as she ran.

The other two jolted awake and stood up.

"That idiot!!" Nephthys cried out as she ran with her cousin to help Sekhmet.

We all looked at each other confused, but wasted no time wondering. Our captain needs us!

We bolted with them and would come across sand disturbances and odd patterns.

"I-its somewhere around here!!" Sekhmet yelled as she began to dig.

"Allow me!" Nezu said as she summoned her mech and hopped inside.

She would begin digging in the general area.

"I SEE HIM!!" nezu cried.

"Point me where!!" Akira yelled.

"He's a good few meters down...right....THERE!!" Nezu cried as she began to dig with her mech.

Akira would use his wings to create great gusts of wind and blow away the sand. Since nezu was using a scanner or something, she could see San easily through all the sand and dust.

We all stood back as they dug through the sand. Eventually, there was red sand coming up.

"Red sand??" Akira said.

"No, there's iron and other things it it. This is bloodied sand! He's just a foot lower!" Nezu said.

Within a minute or so, they would find him. It was so deep, you could bury a boulder the size of a wrecking ball and only touch San's head.

When they pulled him out, he was covered in caked up, bloodied sand and grime. He didn't smell the best either. His eyes were rolled back and his mouth and nose packed with sand.

"Don't you die on me!!" I said as i tossed my things to the side and tried to get the sand out.

I dug it out of his mouth and then had akira put san over his knee, lift him at an angle, and then akira to hit San's back to get the rest out. Tamono would pat his cheeks to try and get him to wake up. Nezu would come by and pour water from her flask onto his face.

"Come onnn come onnn!" Nezu said.

Wenet's ears flopped down and was about to cry. Sekhmet was about to do the same. Nephthys was trying to keep it together.

Hathor was about to cry too, but then....her eyes widened.

"Lay him down!" She commanded.

"What? Why??" Me, tamono, and akira asked.

"Take one last mouth full of water from your canteens! Hurry!" She said.

We didn't question it, she might be onto something. Something is far better than nothing in this grim scenario.

"Leave your canteens uncapped! I am going to cleanse him of the sand!" Hathor said as she summoned some sort of akhn artifact to her hand.

"Why didn't we think of that sooner?! Ugh, I'm so foolish!" Nephthys said smacking her forehead.

"I'm lost here, what am i missing??" Said nezu, just as confused as the rest of us.

"Hathor can manipulate water!" Sekhmet said out of excitement.

Our canteens rumbled, before the water would burst from them. Hathor would would make several motions with her relic and the water would dance. The water would plunge itself into San's body and could make it convulse and thrash a bit, before all the sand and water bursted from his mouth and nostrils. She'd somehow filter the sand and gunk from the water and use it to clean San up a bit of all the blood.

It wasn't long, until San was coughing and gagging, alive as ever.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU BASTA-" he shouted before vomiting up water and sand.

"Easy there son, there is no need to pus-" akira said.

"NO YOU DON'T GET IT (coughs) SETH KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESSES!! WE HAVE TO (coughs) MOVE NOW!!" San yelled as he staggered to stand up.

"Who??" I asked.

"Seth! Moro! Seth! He came outta nowhere and...and attacked us after this speech, cause you know how villains are, gotta monologue. But when i tried to get the senshi and the princesses outta here, he locked them in the sand, until our duel was done!.....which, as you didn't end well....dude can manipulate sand!" He said.

"You fought the dude on his own domain?! How stupid are you?!" I exclaimed.

"Look, it was a do or die situation!" He exclaimed back.

I sighed and groaned, looking down at my feet and shaking my head.

"Great....just we lost supplies and camels in the sand storm, seth has betrayed us, we lost the princesses to the enemy, we nearly lost you, and now....we're out of water!" I said, trying to keep my mentality together.

"I can purify it...." hathor said sheepishlym

"I'm not drinking San juice..." nezu said flatly.

"Hey! San juice is a family brand and is good for you!" San said.

"Not gonna lie dude....San juice can be interpreted in the wrong way-" sven said before i cut him off.

"LLLLETS get back to camp, okay? We'll regroup and....figure this mess out...." i said, mentally exhausted.

We would all start walking back to camp, expressing gratitude for San's return, with of course Nephthys acting like she wasn't worried about him at all and being her usual tsundere self.

So much has gone wrong over the course  of two days....

I don't like these odds....

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