chapter 8: Vesta's furious flames

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The flaming lion was very intimidating, not gonna lie, but i didn't show it or admit it out loud.

I retaliated by firing a spiral bullet shot, by charging energy into my bead and spinning it, before firing it at the lion. When the two clashed, flames and energy went everywhere, before the lion was gone. I retracted my bead just before it hit vesta, knowing how deadly my bead shots are.

"So....that wasn't a real celestial lion or whatever." I said plainly.

"Ha! Like i could pull that off! No, i have mastered my flame magic to the point i can conjure up "flame beasts" if you will, to attack." She said with confidence.

"So....just fire shaped animal attacks?" I said flatly.

"Don't take my thunder!" She said, throwing a ball and it bouncing off my head harmlessly.

"His attack destroyed hers by shredding it into nothing and was still going!" Juno said.

"Captain tries to keep a toolbag of tricks up his sleeve. Had he not stopped the bead in time, it would have definitely went through her head." Sven said, puffing smoke from his pipe.

"Seriously?! A bead? Wait, he uses beads to fight?? That's....bizzare...." juno said.

"We're all bizzare here...." sven said flatly.

"Pallas likes bizzare people and things, yup yup!" She said, making a peace sign.

"I just hope that this doesn't get out of hand.....i know how hot headed she can get..." ceres said with worry.

"Alright knight boy, you might earn my respect yet!" Vesta said.

"Like i want it...." i said flatly.

"HEY! My respect is of high esteem! Be grateful!" She spouted.

I just flipped her off in response.

She growled and spun her whip again, except this time, i shot the whip out of her hands with a disarming shot to the hand, which basically pops her on the hand hard and suddenly so she'll drop it and leave only a red mark.

She yelped in pain and held her hand.

"Those beads....what are they?" She asked, rubbing her hand where i got her.

"I call them slayer beads. They virtually indestructible!" I proudly said.

"So in other words, you have no idea what they are, just what they can do and how durable they are....." she said flatly.

"Mkay look, are we gonna fight or not?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Gladly..." she said as she knelt down to pick up her whip.

I then notched another bead and quickly shot the whip across the room by shooting it from one side and making it launch itself from the force of the collision.

She snarled at me.

"What? This is a fight! Like I'd let you pick up something that can make flaming lions and crap!" I said casually.

She would then charge at me, then would leap into the air, then would try to deliver an ax kick from above with her right heel and leg. As soon as the kick came close enough, i would slide my body to the left and deliver a light chop to her ankle, deflecting the kick. As soon a she landed, i whipped around and caught her with a spin kick to the gut, which sent her tumbling.

"San! What the hell!" Moro shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"She's a girl, she can't take a kick from a guy like you!" He protested.

"She's a crappy bodyguard then if she can't take a kick, let alone an Amazonian bodyguard." I said plainly.

"Why are you being such a dick to he-"

"Do not dishonor her moro!"

He clammed up.

"In a duel, gender doesn't exist and neither does titles! I'm honoring her by holding no punches." I said sternly.

Vesta would stagger to her feet and had whip in hand.

"You recovered fast." I noted.

Moro was seething in the background.

"I'm tougher than i look....thanks, manfred."

"Oh don't go thanking me just yet." I said plainly.

She smirked as she ignited her whip again and started to twirl it in an "X" sort of pattern in front of her.

I would ignite my aura on my body overrall as we both got into a battle stance.

"Fiery cross wave!!" She cried as she sent several waves in the shape of Xs.

"Solar overdrive!" I cried as flared up my aura, coating my body in spiritual energy and punched the Xs as they came my way, creating fiery explosions each time i destroyed them.

She would send X after X shaped fire attack and i would punch each one, destroying them, however i know that this will be short lived.

Solar overdrive is a temporary boost in power that heightens my strength, speed, and defense attributes. It takes a great deal of concentration and energy to create such a power output, so it drains me fast and puts strain on my body.

I taught myself this technique, shortly after tenzens defeat. Chaos's forces are only going to be stronger the more we fight them, and as captain, i have to be strong enough to protect everyone!

As soon as i punched one of the attacks for the last time, i rolled to the right, notched a bead, and then shot at her left leg with just enough force to inflict pain.

"ACK!!" she yelped as she stopped her attack and held up her leg in pain, as it now had a decent sized whelp on it from where the bead got her.

I recalled the bead, and positioned myself like a runner would in the Olympics and made a mad dash. During her state of pain, i attempted to shoulder tackle her and sent her to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. However, i misjudged the distance and forgot to stop on collision, so i would find myself on top of her instead in an....awkward, sensual position.

"Oh my!" Cere said, covering her mouth.

"Spicy...." juno said with a smirk.

"Damn captain, guess other things are heating up, huh?" Moro said with a smug expression.

I immediately got off of her.

"Hell no!" I cried.

"Whaddya mean 'hell no!'?!" Vestas said, offended for some odd reason.

The girls would giggle at the sight, with vestas blushing and pissed off. Moro snickering and shaking his head.

The fight concluded in embarrassment, but i totally won it so, a victory on my belt at least!

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