chapter 29: trek in the sand part 2

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After eating a hearty breakfast, well, with what they could offer, we would get on our camels and we would set out to the direction of the temple, with me riding on rosco of course.

The heat wasn't as bad as yesterday, but i might just chalk it up to me being kind of used to the heat i guess, but its only been two days....i think?

My communicator would beep in my satchel, to which I'd dig it out and answer it.

"Nyello?" I said.

Sis and rinni would pop up on the screen.

"How fares ye, master?" Rinni asked, waving.

" could be better." I admitted.

"Pray tell?" Rinni said, before sis yoinked the communicator to her.

"Gimme that....wait, why are you in the middle of the desert?! You're like way out there!!" Sis exclaimed.

I sighed deeply, then i would tell her everything. The bug attack, the invasion, the kidnapping, all the way up till the village.

"And here it's been a whole ass day and you didn't tell me?! Neither you or mom?!" Sis growled.

"Mom forgot hers....on the ship." I said solemnly.

"Nezu?" She asked.

"Some of the mech fuctions is damaged due to her slamming into the palace and getting sand in them...."


"Dropped it one day, didn't get a replacement yet."


"Sand...." sven said.


"Damaged while dealing with serpentine and her lamia goons...." moro grumbled.

"Who the hell is serpentine?! And lamia?! Like, from greek and egyptian mythology??" Sis exclaimed.

"Something like that- look, we're on a rescue mission, it's blazing hot, and I'm really not in the mood to be bitched at." I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"I'm bitching at you because we were in the dark for a whole fucking day!! Lemme find y'all and we'll fly to wherever you need to go." Sis said, as i seen her type stuff in.

"No, we can't afford for the ship to be seen and attacked! Just lay low and let us handle this!" I exclaimed.

Mom would turn around in her saddle to face me and gesture for the communicator. I passed it to her and she looked into it.

"Mom?" Sis said.

She gave her the "serious mom" look.

"We are sorry for keeping you in the dark about all this. It was not intentional of us. However, listen to your brother, for he is a leader of operation. He is being wise. If you land, they will see, and attack us and ship. Without ship, we are stranded." She said in a scary, yet calm tone.

"" sis whimpered.

"I love you kit kat, we must work as team. No argue." Mom said in a sweeter tone.

"Love you too..." sis said.

"Hai hai!" Mom said as she tossed the communicator back.

"Ugh i hate being benched on a mission, but someone has to keep it safe." Said sis.

"Ey, you're plenty scary. I'm sure you'll scare off any bandits, easily!" I said with a chuckle.

"Haaaaa....i dunno whether or not to take that as a compliment or an insult...." said sis, in a defeated tone.

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