Chapter 435

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Everyone around begins to line up and take the rations, then Fin speaks up again, looking through the people that approach him.

"Alright, who was it keeping notes this time? I forget who's who sometimes, you all look alike to me, it'd be a lot easier if I asked your names before you all went under."

He chuckles to himself and makes a light remark under his breath.

"Oh well... the ones that aren't useful are just going to be left to die out in this desert once we're done clearing this town out anyway."

Then, turns to a woman who approaches him carrying a stack of notes.

She has tan skin, dark black hair cut short just above her shoulders, and looks to be no older than myself. Possibly 20 or 21 if I had to guess.

Despite the eerie lifeless stare everyone has on, her eyes look a bit different. They're light blue, so light that they almost look white, but there seems to be a hint of consciousness underneath them.

Still, the young woman gives the stack of notes to Fin without saying a word.

He takes them in a quick and aggressive manner, turning away, and reading them on his own, muttering under his breath again for everyone to hear.

"Damn, another dud warehouse. A few gold worth of C-Class gear, but nothing too special. Oh well, it's good enough to give as a mid-day report to the Boss."

Then, turns back around to face everyone while stuffing the papers marking down all the tracked inventory in his back pocket.

"Alright. Drink up, eat up, then back to work! I want to see everything cleared out of here before we move onto the next warehouse of the night shift. You got it?"

He looks at the woman that's standing still right in front of him, and a single tear falls from her eye. I watch her lower lip quiver as well, and curiously do a full scan to find she's a fairly high level with a skill I've never seen before.

[Lv. 267]

[Moonlight's Gaze]

The man grits his teeth at the sight of her small bit of defiance, then yells in her face.

"That means you too!"

He gets closer to her and a moment of realization hits him.

"Oh right, you're that girl... One of the only ones still useful from that wandering group of villagers we captured in Sector 4, weren't you? Your leader sure put up quite the fight against the Boss."

He scoffs.

"It doesn't matter now though, does it? You know you'll just be a mindless pawn for the rest of your life, so drink up and get back to it."

He uses his [Bind] skill to grab an extra bottle from the pile, making it float in the air over to her as she accepts it without question. Then smirks and yells at her again.

"You know what, no food for you, just a double dose of Elixir. That'll teach you. Drink these and get back to work."

He grabs his daggers from his waist, pointing them at her while forcing the drinks into her hands using his bind skill. Then uses the same dark hands to push her elbows to bring the pink bottles closer to her trembling lower lip.

I watch in disgust, but as soon as the bottle touches her mouth, I decide to act.

"I wanted to stay here and watch how things worked a little longer, but I've seen enough."

I point a single finger at the man from over 10 meters away and let out a blade of advanced wind magic so dense and thin it'd be impossible to see without Ranked-Up perception skills.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now