Part Ten

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"Eva--" I called out in surprise, but lady Rhyse's words overshadowed mine.

"Evalie!" She yelled in excitement and the girl turned to face us, revealing her stunning features. She wore a light-blue dress that fanned out at the bottom, the fabric stylishly folding over itself. Her short sleeves puffed out which made her features look even more soft. It caused me to feel bad for wearing such extravagant clothing, as she had no accessories at all and still looked strikingly beautiful.

But, her alluring appearance is besides the point. Why does she look so much like Eva?--no, no, she looks exactly like Eva. It frightens me so, but I shouldn't show it. Is this just how her character was described and that is why Eva raved about the book so much? All I knew upon reading it was that the heroine had blonde hair and blue eyes, not that she perfectly resembles my back-stabbing best friend.

Moreover, why is she even here? She is not of the nobility and her character shouldn't even appear until much later when Prince Heinry reaches adulthood.

Yet, here she was, standing before me. I could not bring myself to speak. 

"Oh, Duches Edith," Rhyse turned to me with glee. "This is my dear friend, lady Evalie. Say, isn't she stunning?" I gulped, knowing I must respond in some way. I quickly gathered myself and put on the best facade of confidence that I could.

"Quite so," I replied to Rhyse before turning to 'Evalie'. "Even in her plain attire, she is still so radiant." I shoot her a smile. I must get her to say something about her background, or how she is even able to attend this ball. After all, she was written as a commoner who works as a maid for an acquaintance of Heinry's, but that specific detail is much later in her life.

"O-oh, apologies," She looks down and tucks her hair behind her ear. (Imagine Debby Ryan)

"I am so under dressed compared to you, my lady."

I do not assure her of her beauty any more, as I can tell she has something else to say.

"But, you see, I haven't the funds to afford the luxuries such as jewelry and fine linen. I am but a mere commoner."

No surprise there, but again, I must find out how she is here. To my knowledge, her character never excelled at much besides winning the emperor's heart, so it would be surprising to hear that she got a scholarship.

"Oh, is that so? Are you perhaps an honor student?" I inquired, controlling my face to look neutral, though her very appearance made me sick to my stomach.

"Ah, no," She slightly shook her head. "I was taken in by a noble family. They, however didn't find me deserving of a proper allowance, so this simple dress was all I could afford. I'm sorry that you haveta gaze upon such an improper sight."

'Huh???' There are so many things wrong with everything she just said. Big deal if she can't wear expensive clothes, how can she dare to try and receive pity for that? If she has always lived as a commoner, then even the shabbiest of dresses would please her. Moreover, I understand she is not from the nobility originally, but the way she talks is....odd to say the least. It is as if she doesn't exactly know the right way to speak that's befitting to this world. Her grammar is all over the place, almost like trying to sound as if she belongs here when she is really from a more modern time.

"So, you are not a commoner then." I stated and she looked up at me in confusion.

"P-pardon?" She tilted her head at me.

"You've been adopted by a wealthy family, have you not?" 

As I spoke, I felt as if I was towering over her. So this is how the villain feels when she speaks to the meek female lead. All I need now is someone to come and save her from me.

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now