Part Fifteen

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"Miss Thornwood," The dean sat across from me with a cold expression, but I hadn't the slightest bit of fear, which just proves how truly scary my father is. "Please correct me if I am wrong, but, it would appear that on just your second day of the academy, you have built up quite the notoriety."

"...I would say so, sir, but I--"

"You needn't explain yourself. I have been given the task to either punish you or believe you, and I have been told I should do that right this instant."

I winced at his words and looked down, my hands gripping the fabric of my skirt.

"However," He started with a scoff. "I do find that quite absurd." I looked up at him in confusion, my heart beating faster than ever.

"This would best be settled with a proper investigation, wouldn't it?"

I let out a shaky breath of relief. "T-Thank you, sir--"

"Do not thank me," He held up his hand to me. "I am certainly not saying that I believe you, I just find the incident quite peculiar. Moreover, what dean would I be if I expelled a student due to, as far as we know, baseless accusations?" I swiftly nodded in response. "You are quite right, sir." I assured him. Maybe all hope isn't lost after all.

He looked down at the paperwork on his desk, picking it up in one hand, and waving me away with the other. "You may go back to your classes now." I bowed graciously and then promptly left his office, but I did not go back to my class.

Instead, I turned and walked the opposite way down the hallway towards the first aid room, where I believed 'Evalie' to be.

I stood a bit away until I saw Evalie's friends exit the room. I had already known the nurse wasn't there as I had passed her earlier. I believe she was heading to the dean to discuss the girl's injuries.

I made my way to the office when the halls were completely clear and stormed in the door, shutting and locking it behind me. "Oh," She shot me a shit-eating grin upon seeing me before standing up, but then quickly contorted her expression into one of fear. "M-miss Edith, why are you here? Please don't--"

I rushed forward and backed her into a wall, slamming my hands beside her head to trap her there. "Cut the shit." I said, surprised at myself even for saying that. I had grown so accustomed to the proper dialect of this world that I didn't think I could just stop speaking how I did at the drop of a hat, but, then again, Eva brought me great rage.

"I'm not falling for your act, Eva." I glared at her as I spoke and she returned the expression right back to me, except hers looked so proud and controlling. What was she thinking?

"Is it not enough that you cursed me to this place? Why must you torment me more?"

To my surprise, she scoffed at my words, pushing herself off of the wall and causing me to back up. She knew I could never possibly hurt her, I had too many memories of my kind and gentle friend to do so.

"Oh, please, you're not suffering." She rolled her eyes. "I even got here early because I was impatient, yet you seem to have already seduced the prince." She scowled.

"So, why not send me back home if I'm not even suffering?"

"Do you really want that, (y/n)?" She asked the question in a mocking tone, as if she already knew my answer. I am, in fact, a terrible liar so my true feelings were written all over my countenance before I even spoke. I don't wish to, do I? But, if she decides to torture me for the rest of my life in this world, wouldn't it be better to go back?

I laughed at her in turn of answering. "You'll never do it anyway, will you?" I raised my chin up as I spoke. "Admit it, aren't you just jealous that I'm doing your job as the lead better than you?"

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