Part Sixteen

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I stormed out of the nurse's office, my mind all over the place. Did she truly think of me that way? I had no idea I was so terrible. I had no idea I made her feel so small. Is fault?

"Edith!" I heard a voice yell and turned around to see the white-haired boy running towards me from the other side of the hall.

"Heinry.." I said slowly, my eyes blank.

"How did this happen?" He cupped my face as he spoke in concern. "I heard from a classmate that you injured someone."

I sighed and looked down. "Is she okay?" He asked, his eyes staring into mine full of concern.

I fought the tears from forming in my eyes. Of course he thinks I did it. I'm the villain. Evalie should receive all of his pity and attention, I am worthless--

"Is she okay in the head?" He asked again, his voice sounding irritated now. "Pardon?" I looked up at him. "Are you sure she wasn't dropped as an infant? And the lot of them as well!" He looked past me, seemingly gesturing to all of the students at the academy. "How could they ever believe you would do something like that?"

I slowly smiled and slid my hand over his that rested on my face. "It's not like they know me."

"Well, still, to just assume all of this without any evidence is--"

"But, you know me," I still smiled at him, "And you believe me, Heinry. That is all that matters."

"No, what matters is how you feel," He said with a voice laced with concern. "How are you faring?"

"Well, the dean said he would launch an investigation.." I said, my voice void of hope.

"Good. Then they'll surely find you innocent." He said in a reassuring tone.

"I know, but.." I looked down so my tear-coated eyes weren't visible.

"What if this is my fault? Perhaps, I caused her to do this--"

"No." He cut me off. "Don't say that to me," He lifted my chin up, "And don't say that to yourself either. None of this is your fault, no matter what anyone says."


"Should I kill her?" Mikhail asked himself aloud as he sat in class spinning a pen in his hand. "Or.." He turned to his left to see Rhyse who was telling others about the shocking events. Her opinion was in favor of Evalie of course. "Should I kill her friend?" A devilish smile stretched across his face as he continued to stare.

But, he quickly shook the thought away. "No, no.." he set the pen down, "Someone of her character surely wouldn't even bat an eye over a lost friend.." He tapped his finger against the wooden desk. "Even if I cut her head off right in front of her very eyes."


When I arrived at home that day, surprisingly, my father didn't call me out. I am certain he heard about the events that transpired at school, but then again, he only cares about my marriage. My expulsion matters naught to him.

I laid face down on my bed, shaking my head every time Hilda asked me to explain what happened.

"If you don't tell me, I'll inform your parents of that night." Hilda delivered her words so ominously. I gave her a confused look so that she would elaborate.

"When the prince was here," I instantly blushed at her words, "He was over quite late, wasn't he?"

Oh, he wasn't just in my room late at night, but he also stayed until the morning, but of course, I couldn't tell her that.

I rolled my eyes at her. "You must take my authority very lightly."

"It is you that allows me to behave this way, duchess."

"Right you are," I sighed, "right you are.."

"Well then, get on with it." She waved her hands forward to rush me into talking.

"I...upset someone today." I looked away from her, not wanting to elaborate.


"Well, I didn't really do anything," I looked up, thinking of what to say. "At least, I didn't know I did. And then, the person that I upset," I made sure not to give her any hints as to who it was, "did something that hurt me today--it hurt me very much. Yet, when I confronted this person, said individual blamed it all on me, saying it was my doing and that I deserve this."

Hilda furrowed her brow in response to my words.

"And the worst part is that I can't help but find it all ridiculous. I don't think I should be blamed for their actions or that I am deserving of any punishment at all, for I had no way to know that I upset her--the person....all I tried to do was be a good friend. Tell me honestly, Hilda, I'm terrible, aren't I? I'm selfish and awfully terrible--"

Hilda pulled me forward into her arms, cradling me. "That's absurd, my lady. How could someone place such expectations on another person?"

"Huh?" Her words confused me.

"Well, from what I gathered, this person assumed you would just understand how they felt or know what was on their mind, even if they didn't tell you. I find that ridiculous. Without even having a proper confrontation or conversation that would lead you to realize how you had upset them, they lashed out at you. That is in no way fair. People can only observe so much and hidden emotions aren't one of them."

I buried my face into her shoulder. "You think so?" I asked, somehow feeling the need for confirmation so I would now for sure she wasn't lying.

"Of course, I wouldn't have said it otherwise," She wittily remarked, "Moreover, is this Prince Heinry you are talking about?" She pushed me away from the hug and held me by the shoulders, studying my expression. "Tsk, boys his age continue to be so immature." She rolled her eyes which made me laugh.

"No, Hilda, I assure you he wouldn't do that." I said with a chuckle and she gave me a warm smile. "I would hope so." She replied, her hands still on my shoulders.


The second I arrived at school the next day, I was called into the dean's office. I was nervous to say the least. Even though I knew for a fact that I never laid a hand on Evalie, I also knew that she had some sort of control over this world, and that frightened me.

I was sitting in the chair across from his desk, two other teachers were on either side of him, all studying paper work. I gulped as I saw them pointing at the writing and discussing quietly with one another. "Miss Edith," The dean spoke up, causing me to flinch. "Might I ask why you only have one earring?"

I tilted my head and reached my hand up to my ear. Oh, it was gone, it should be there since I put it in this morning. "Oh, I'm not sure." I shook my head as I spoke.

Then, to my surprise, he pulled an earring from under his desk and slid it across the dark wood until it was right in front of me. "Perhaps this is it." He said. I squinted at the sight. It just didn't make sense.

"How did you get this?" I asked, picking it up to examine it. "I put it on just this morning."

"Well, that can't be true." He answered sternly.

"Sir.." I leaned forward, completely perplexed. "How so?"

"Because we found this in the bathroom where Evalie was attacked last night."

"W-what..?" My breathing became shaky. How is that possible? How? Eva did this, I know it, but how? She's not some powerful being that can just control things, I've seen how she can't even get a man, so how?

Suddenly, just as I was processing his words, Rhyse burst through the door with that same teacher that I honestly forgot the name of next to her. I had only just met her yesterday after all.

"Mrs. Andrews, what is the meaning of this sudden visit?" The dean stared at her questionably.

"This one here is a witness." Mrs. Andrews, if that's even her real name, said, pushing Rhyse forward. "Go on, tell him."

Rhyse glanced my way and instantly turned her head when we locked eyes. "I...saw it." She said, standing taller and more confident now, not even bothering to look my way again as if I wasn't even worth it.

"I saw Lady Edith assault her."

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now