Part Twenty-Two

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Heinry ran with all of his might until he collapsed onto his knees. He panted, clutching the dirt beside him, preparing himself to stand up again and keep running. But, suddenly, he heard the clopping sound of a horse's hooves behind him. It was galloping as fast as it could in his direction.

He turned to see Mikhail sitting on top of it and extending his arm to him. "Get on!" Without hesitation, Heinry gripped his hand and jumped up to sit behind him on the horse.

"I assume you're going after Edith?" Heinry asked, his eyes focused on the road before him.

"Why else would I bring you along, your highness?" 

"You arrived just in time, I'm grateful."

"Of course, as Edith's knight I should protect her."

"...Her what?"

"Surely she told you. Or maybe you're not important enough to be told these things." Mikhail said it in such a chipper voice that Heinry couldn't even scowl.

"Well, I believe you're much too young to be a knight. You're name is Mikhail, isn't it?"

"Yes, and I believe it's time for you to stop talking, your highness." Mikhail gestured his hand forward at the carriage making it's way through the dirt path surrounded by heavy brush.

"I think the guards noticed us." Mikhail said as he saw the many armed men around the carriage turning their steeds to face the two of them. "I gather that as well. Have you brought any weapons?"

"Only a bow and my dagger," Mikhail answered, "But, my apologies, those are mine to use."

Heinry just nodded his head, "I understand."

"Have you not brought anything, your highness?"

Heinry looked to the side with a sigh. "I was a little...preoccupied."

"Alright," Mikhail turned to Heinry with a smile, "You may have the dagger." He flipped it around in his fingers so that the handle was facing Heinry.

"Thank you, but I believe you should watch the road." Heinry nodded his head forward as he took the blade, signaling for Mikhail to look at the approaching guards.

The guards raised their bows and Mikhail did the same. But, just as he pulled the string back, Heinry touched his hand. "Hang on," he said. One of the men shot an arrow at them and Heinry pulled Mikhail's head to the side, allowing the arrow to whiz by them.

"They shot first," Heinry said as Mikhail looked at him with confusion, but the confusion soon turned into a grin. "So, they started it." He said before reeling the string back again.


As I sat in the carriage, I noticed we were moving rather fast. The man that sat before me was slowly nodding off even though we had just departed a few minutes ago. I rolled my eyes and then placed my hands on the window. I stared to the side, trying to see behind the carriage to the best of my abilities.

I gasped when my eyes beheld the sight of what appeared to be Mikhail and Heinry trailing behind us. The guards were charging at them as the carriage was being moved farther and farther away. They might die, I must do something.

I have a feeling this man doesn't have the power to order the guards to stand down, so being the rational person I am, I decided to just jump out of the carriage. 

I reached my hand for the door and shoved it open. The wind blew my hair all over my face as I tried to see the tussle more clearly. Their bows were drawn and arrows were firing through the air. If I can make it to them in time or divert their attention somehow, maybe my friends won't die. Maybe I could order them to stop or sprint past them so they run after me. I swear I have the capability to make smart decisions, but right now, this feels like the only option for me.

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