Part Fourteen

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"Pardon?" I asked in shock, forcing myself not to glance over at my bed.

"I simply will not allow it." My mother shook her head.

"W-why is that?" I fidgeted my hands as I spoke.

"You can't be serious," My mother looked at me with genuine concern. "Surely you've heard the rumors."

I just slowly shook my head in response, not knowing what to say.

"It's a wild topic in the aristocracy, my dear." She walked past me and slumped herself in one of my chairs, prompting me to sit in the one across from it.

"Apparently you have stolen his highness from another girl." She rubbed her temple as she spoke. There was no way to prove it, but he else other than Eva could've done this?

"And..?" I tilted my head. She's this upset over a baseless rumor? There has to be more to it than that.

"What else could there be, girl?" She yelled at me. "This is detrimental to the way people perceive you. I have been receiving just ghastly letters as of late...truly ghastly." She sighed in, what I consider, an over-dramatic way.

I released a breath of relief before leaning closer to her and holding her shoulders. "Mother, must I remind you that I am to marry three entire years from now? This gossip will not matter by then, I am sure of it." I gave her a reassuring smile but she brushed me off.

"You know, people said the same thing about me," She pulled out a handkercheif to wipe her nonexistent tears. "They said I was using your father, that I was a malicious mistress--whatever that even means. It was a hard time for me, truly." 

Oh, I see. She's projecting. "Mother, I assure you that I am not so insecure as to let these groundless assumptions jeopardize my engagement. Furthermore, father would surely--" I couldn't finish my sentence as I looked at her. I couldn't bring myself to talk about his obvious abuse.

She always knew about his abuse, but she didn't stop it, she never even spared me a pitiful glance. I despised that about her, and I should despise her as a whole, I really should, but I can't help but treat her so delicately. Maybe I feel as if I'm making up for my previous life. If I treat this selfish woman well, will she not find any reason to abandon me, like my mother did before?

"Oh, my dear child," She put her hand to my face and pouted her lip. "Am I gathering correctly that you truly wish to marry Prince Heinry? I briefly remember your father telling me about your disapproval some time ago." 

Of course he told her about that. I guess it makes him less terrifying to imagine him girlishly gossiping to my mother, so if he must slander me for the one time I disobeyed rather than praise me for all of my achievements, so be it I guess.

"O-oh that was some time ago." I glanced away.

"So then you do wish to marry him now?" She almost jumped out of her seat in excitement.

"I s-suppose so." I looked down bashfully. Heinry will never let me live this down. I can just imagine his grinning expression now. For all I know, he might be kicking his legs under there. I glanced over and rolled my eyes at the sight of the bed.

"Well then!" She shot up and clasped her hands together. "Do you have much to do today?"

".....I have the Royal Academy today." I stared at her blankly.

"Oh.." She looked down. "Then what about tomorrow?" Aaaaand she's back.

"Mother, I have school all week. But, perhaps Saturday--"

Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now