Part Thirty

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It was today. Today was my birthday.

I half-expected my husband to charge into my room at the break of dawn to have his way with he, but he didn't. My celebration would come first.

As I was being dressed, I felt Soveishu's eyes burning into the back of my head. Why was he here? Why was he watching me?

"Is the dress to your liking?" The woman who dressed me asked Soveishu as she bat her eyelids.

"Yes," He began to grin, "Everything looks beautiful on my wife." He gracefully lent me his hand and I slid my palm into his. He grasped my fingers before slowly leading me to the center of the room, leaving the woman to clean up her supplies.

He raised my arm up and spun me around as his eyes trailed my figure. "Yes, very beautiful.." He muttered to himself, causing me to flash him my polite smile.

"Well, you picked it yourself. I would hope that you would like it."

"I like anything on you," He smirked before leaning close to my ear and placing his hands on my waist, trapping me in some invisible cage, "But, I would like to see it off of you as well." I almost shuddered, but I stopped myself. I had to keep up my smile. Even though on the outside I looked fine, almost excited--on the inside I was frantic.

"Please, leave us." He dismissed the tailor and she hurried out of the room. I gulped as he stood before me, his hand now on my face. His eyes never left mine, so I couldn't avert my gaze either. I had to stand my ground.

Then, rather roughly, he moved his hand from my cheek to the back of my head and slammed my lips into his. He kissed me very violently I would say, and I didn't like it--not at all. Then he began to trail kisses down my neck and I winced as he did so. I had to wrap my hands around his back so that I did not fall over because of how much he was leaning into me.

Then, he moved his left hand down to my leg and slowly tried to raise it, but that was when I backed away. "Soveishu, I just got dressed..." I said, my tone calm and maternal.

"We can re-dress you." He said hastily and buried his face back into my collarbone, but I raised his head. "Well, there would be no point in that, would there?" I trailed my fingers along the side of his face as I spoke which made his eyes lower as he looked at me almost drunkenly.

"Why do unnecessary things when we have all day?" I said, which could be easily interpreted as an unholy remark, but I really said it with the intention of making him wait.

"It's not 'all day' when you have your celebration later.." He grumbled and I forced out an amused giggle.

"How cute," I said, "But did you forget that it was you who arranged it all?" I smiled and he rolled his eyes. "A lapse in judgment on my part." He responded, rubbing his temple.

"Indeed," I said as I walked away from him, "But there's plenty of time after that...and the next day...and the next." I smiled with low eyes as I was now across the room from him. He laughed wholeheartedly at my words as he made his way to the door. "You must stop saying things like makes me impatient." He smirked before leaving and allowing maids to flow in.

My smile instantly dropped and I moved almost robotically to my desk where the maids would do my makeup. I looked dead, but, then again, I felt dead too, so it made sense.


(A few weeks ago.)


Kill The Empress (Reincarnated as the villainess)Where stories live. Discover now