Part Thirteen

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I sat in my room, having not seen Heinry all day, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. 'No, no,' I told myself. 'It's better this way. If we grow apart then maybe that's better for me--for my life.' Besides, ever since I got here, my goal was to live a quiet, solitary life. My plan has been to marry Heinry when I turn eighteen and then promptly divorce him so he can be with Evalie as he is supposed to and I can dismiss myself from the storyline. Even if he were to disagree with me, I would persist until he eventually agreed to divorce me.

Now, maybe I won't even have to try so hard, maybe he'll instantly agree. Besides, who would desire to stay with someone that ignores you after they throw themselves at you? Despite the fact that this would objectively be better for me, I can't help but feel upset. Though I am tempted to cry, I won't. I find myself utterly incapable to do so actually, except for when I am with--


I shot my head up to see Heinry, drenched in moonlight and standing on my balcony and tapping his knuckles against the glass doors. I rushed over to open them so I didn't keep him  waiting and he instantly leaned down and hugged me, burying his head in the side of my neck.

"Heinry..?" I worriedly tried to look at his face that was hidden in my shoulder.

"I was worried today. I couldn't find you." He said in an unreadable tone.

Is he mad? Sad? Surely, he must be upset with me.

"I'm a fool, aren't I?" He lifted his head and smiled at me, causing me to feel utterly shocked.

"....What do you mean?" I feigned ignorance, but I assumed he was doubting if I cared for him or not.

"I have no right, do I?" He said, his face was now on my shoulder, but his head was to the side so he could look at me.

"You're the crown prince, you have more rights than me--"

"You know I do not mean that."

"I....I am not sure if I do..."

"I felt jealous again today." He said bluntly and averted his gaze. "I know I shouldn't have...not when you don't even wish to be engaged to me."

"That's---" I stopped myself, knowing he was right, I could not deny it. He began to laugh in irony. "Just let me stay like this for a second." He said, not wanting to move.

I reached my hand up to his head and stroked his hair.

"I can't help but feel hopeful when you do things like that." He said in a pitiful tone. I just held my breath at his words. Then, he lifted his head up to face me and reached his hand to my face.

"Tell me to stop if you do not like this." He said as he leaned close to my face. I should do just that, tell him to stop or back away, but...I don't want to. I closed my eyes, as did he and--

"My lady, pardon the intrusion, but--" Hilda stopped in her tracks at the sight. Me and the prince both stared at her with wide eyes, frozen in our position.

"I'll..." She slowly backed away, "come back later." She shut the door and I instantly backed away from Heinry.

"I'm sorry," I rubbed my arm in embarrassment.

"Don't be." He replied with a timid smile. "I was the one who pressured you just now." He turned to the balcony doors, clearly feeling terrible. I should've let him walk off feeling how he did, maybe then he would resent me as he is supposed to and let me go, but I am a fool after all.

"I assure you, you did not pressure me." I shut my eyes as I spoke, not believing I was actually saying this. He stopped walking and turned to me slowly.

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