Doctor Doom rules over DEATH BATTLE

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(Theme of Dr. Doom - Marvel vs Capcom 3)

Shadow: Victor von Doom was born from the Romani clan in Latveria and had a rough childhood to say the least. He was orphaned after his mother Cynthia's soul was taken after making a deal with Mephisto and his father Werner had died from frostbite after running from King Vladimir Fortunov when he failed to cure his wife. Victor discovered his talents in both science and magic and vowed to get his revenge on the King.

Sara; Victor was offered a scholarship in the State University in New York where he met Reed Richards. He eventually built a machine that would try and help him communicate with other beings from another dimension, seeing it as chance to save his mother. But even after the faults and warnings given by Reed, he went for it and it literally blew in his face, scarring it forever and resulting it in his expulsion.

Shadow: Of course, he blamed Reed for both the explosion and expulsion and travelled the world before discovering a village of Tibetan monks who forged him an armor and a mask despite not cooling down which messed up his already scarred face even more.

Sara: Yet on that very same day, Doctor Doom was born. He returned to Lavteria and overthrew the King, becoming its ruler and schemed for world domination believing if he can make Latveria better by conquering, why not the whole world too. But this would lead to many confrontations with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, the latter led by his sworn enemy Reed aka Mr. Fantastic.

Doctor Doom

Titanium Armor (Solar-powered)

Splinters of the True Cross

Indomitable Will

Jet boosters



Energy absorption

Molecular expander

Cosmic Power Siphon

Ovoid Mind Transfer

Time-shift bombs

Foot Dive

Antimatter Extrapolator

Metabolic Transmuter


Time travel

Dimensional travel

Mystical barriers


Shadow: Victor knows a lot of things both science and magic related. His molecular expander can turn pebbles into huge boulders, control technology, fire powerful electrical blasts, travel through other times and dimensions, use time bombs that sends you back in the past for several seconds, an antimatter gun and a bomb that transmutes his targets into chrome. His armor can also resist powerful telekinetic and reality-warping attacks from cosmic beings.

Sara: And that's from the science side. On the magic side, Doom can summon forcefields and barriers, unleash devastating mystical blasts, summon demonic creatures, teleport, heal himself, use the elements, nullify other powers and so much more. But none can compare to his feared ability: the Foot Dive!

Popup: Doom was a major candidate for the title of Sorcerer Supreme, which is held by Stephen Strange.

Shadow: And just when you think you defeated Doom once and for all, bam! It's actually a Doombot. And Doom has a lot of those in hand. But his strongest weapon is the Cosmic Power Siphon, a device that is capable of stealing the powers of numerous cosmic beings.

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