Vilgax Conquers DEATH BATTLE

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(Vilgax Boss Battle - Ben 10: Protector of Earth Soundtrack)

Adam: Ben 10 has encountered and defeated a wide variety of foes over the course of his hero career, ranging from the xenophobic Highbreed to his evil "doppleganger" Albedo. But none can match the presence that left a big impact on the young Omnitrix wielder like Vilgax.

Nakano: Exiled from Vilgaxia for "ambitious disobedience" in 1773, Vilgax answered a Chronosapien named Maltruant's distress call on Earth, repairing his ship in exchange for a Chronosapien Time Bomb. They were confronted by a time travelling George Washington and Ben 10.

Adam: And upon seeing Ben use the Omnitrix to turn into different aliens, Vilgax became intrigued at the Omnitrix's capabilities. Upon such an encounter, Vilgax vows to take the Omnitrix and created an army of aliens to conquer the universe. The only thing preventing Vilgax from reaching that goal would be Ben 10 himself and his other allies.


Super Strength

Super Durability

Superhuman Speed

Master Manipulator

Energy blasts

Energy sword

Chronosapien Time Bomb

True Form

Malware Armor aka Malgax

Can utilize technologies Malware had previously absorbed, including a Proto-Tool and jetpack

Tachyon Cannon (Locks on to the target's DNA and destroys them at a sub-cellular level)

Nakano: While Vilgax's powered has varied from time to time, gaining and losing, one thing that's consistent is his uncanny durability, able to take hits from the likes of Heatblast, Humungousaur and Ultimate Swampfire and emerged unscathed after receiving cybernetic augmentations following his near death experience. And he has a lot of combat experience given he's from 1773.

Randy: Vilgax wield an energy sword which, assuming it's similar to his previous ones, is capable of shattering the likes of Chromastone and can fire energy blasts from the palm of his hands. And should his back be against the wall, Vilgax will unleash his True Form, which is essentially a giant squid.

Popup: In the 2016 Reboot, Vilgax has access the the Antitrix, an Omnitrix ripoff which creates alien hybrids and once became AntiVilgax (Vilgax fused with every alien in the Antitrix) and Alien V (a hybridization between Chimera Sui Generis and Celestialsapien DNA). However, he lost those and cannot use them again.

Adam: However in Omniverse, Vilgax received Malware's remains and upon merging, becomes the all-powerful Malgax. With it, Malgax's powers skyrocketed, being able to overpower most of Ben's aliens with ease. And Malware himself survived Galvan B's destruction.

Nakano: Malgax can also use technologies that Malware has previously assimilated, including a jetpack, a variety of laser weapons and last but not least, the Tachyon Cannon. The Tachyon Cannon can lock into the DNA of its user's target and annihilate them down to the subcellular level.


Conquered ten worlds and defeated their champions, absorbing their powers into his own

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