Anne Boonchuy brings Calamity to DEATH BATTLE

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(Welcome to Amphibia - Celica Gray)

Sara: Somewhere in the universe, a god named the Guardian got tired of keeping it in balance for so long, and thought it was wise to give unlimited power to mortals to find a replacement. And soon formed the Amphibian Empire, a race of talking frogs, toads, and newts, conquering worlds with the power of the Calamity Box. With such a stature to uphold, the new king, Andrias, had a lot of pressure on himself. Luckily, he had his friends, Barrel the toad, and Leif the frog.

Vanessa: They were the best of friends, until poor Leif got a premonition of Amphibia's destruction. She herself tried to reason with the kingdom, but to no avail. Andrias's father thought she was a traitor - I mean, not yet she isn't - but he assured his father she's just concerned for the safety of the civilization - which is also true.

Sara: In a desperate attempt, Leif steals the music box and sends it to Earth, the planet they were invading next. This betrayal turned Andrias into an unforgiven king who made sure the frogs are the poorest of the civilization and the toads making sure they stay in line. After a thousand years, the box finally returned thanks to 3 teenage girls, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright, and Anne Boonchuy.

Vanessa: Okay, who the hell stores magical artifacts hidden in a box that can change the universe in some shelf? Anyways, Anne was just a typical 13 year old girl, whose friends with some not so average teens, the clumsy but intelligent nerd Marcy, and the commanding and manipulative rich Sasha. Her life's been pretty easy with them around, so much so the principle gave her an essay on what kind of person she herself wants to be.

Sara: Well, the next day, on her birthday, she soon finds out. With Marcy's distraught over her parents moving away, she curiously finds the music box she had a glimpse of in her studies, and found a way to escape that reality. Sasha, loving the rich life, didn't want to have the basic birthday party shenanigans at Anne's old parties, and with a much more lively gift to offer, she manipulates Anne into abandoning the planned party and stealing the music box.

Vanessa: And with one swift open of the box, they all were sent to Amphibia, Sasha getting karma and captured by ruthless toads, Marcy ending up in Newtopia and becoming a humble advisor to King Andrias and Anne being sent to Wartwood, where's she's adopted by the Planters, who may or may not be decedents of Leif.

Sara: With the little violent sister Polly, the ever-cautious elder Hopediah - also known as Hop Pop - and the adventurous scamp Sprig, Anne learns how to survive in this absolutely dangerous world, turning her from a simple follower to a warrior.

Anne Boonchuy

Tennis Skills



Martial Arts Skills





Bath Bomb

Calamity Gems

Super Anne (One Gem, 3-Gem and White forms)

Energy Manipulation

Energy constructs


Future sight


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