King Kong is the 8th Wonder of DEATH BATTLE

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(Here We Go - Chris Classic)

Adam: In the off the coast of Indonesia and surrounded in a dense fog bank, you will find the fictitious island known as Skull Island. Seems like a nice place to go right? Well there's just one itty-bitty problem with that.....

Randy: The island is inhabited by all sorts of dangerous creatures! From oversized bugs, to evolved tyrannosaurs called V-Rexes, to even the dreaded Skullcrawlers. Hell, there's even human tribes living there and they do not fuck around!

Vanessa: And that's before you decide whether Peter Jackson's or the Monsterverse' version is scary.

Adam: But amongst those who reside in this dangerous place, one creature stands above all, revered as a god to the native tribes, King Kong. Despite many incarnations differentiating one another, all of them depict Kong as an orphan  being born into Skull Island and left to fend for himself until humans arrived and he either joins them back to the mainland willing or being drugged.

King Kong

Adequate problem-solving skills

Minor healing factor (Monsterverse)

Longevity (Kong's species can live during millions of years, and they only die if they are killed)

Formidable fighter

Incredible agility and strength, able to produce punches with a force of Magnitude 4.2.

Climbing abilities

Intelligence (His ape intelligence allows him to take advantage of his surroundings and use tools/weapons such as trees, boulders and even a boat propeller attacked to a chain, and is capable of communicating via sign language)

Can leap great distances

Can absorb electric currents and use them to release an electric surge attack

Signature Jaw-Breaking Move

Battle Axe

B.E.A.S.T Glove

Randy: Whether it's his original 1933 or the current Monsterverse, Kong's large figure grants him huge strength and he's incredibly speedy and agile for his size. He can leap great distance and being a primate, is able to come up with solutions on the fly thanks to his high intelligence. Kong is also known to use aby object as a weapon and the environment to his advantage.

Vanessa: In King Kong vs Godzilla, he can get stronger by absorbing electricity and being immune to it as well.

Adam: But Kong's got two new weapons to level the playing field, his Battle Axe and the B.E.A.S.T. Glove. A giant Axe with a dorsal plate belonging to Godzilla's species, it can absorb energy from either the Earth's core or from Godzilla's Atomic Breath to increase its power. It's sharp enough to pierce Godzilla's armored scales.

Vanessa: And in the upcoming The New Empire, where Kong got his right arm injured at some point, he gains a massive metal gauntlet called the B.E.A.S.T. or Bio Enhanced Anatomech Seismic Thunder Glove. While it's exact purpose is unknown, it has shown to be able to augment's Kong's punches.


Dr. Who claimed Kong was powerful enough to destroy the world

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