Demon Commander Date Part 2

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When Griffen and I get home the house is empty, so we decided now would be the opportune time to snuggle up on the couch under a blanket and read. This is the best ending to a date I've ever had. I love that we can read together in companionable silence.

I've never had this, since Finley cannot sit still to save his life. Fin's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder gets the better of him most of the time. Thirty minutes is his limit of being still.

I can already tell each of the men is going to appeal to certain sides of myself. Finley is my playful side and Griffen is the calm reader part. I still need to spend individual time with Kage and Avery to see what parts they bring out in me.

Then there are the other three that I have no idea how to approach. I don't foresee Duncan and I ever seeing eye to eye. Ajax is volatile but there is something about him that pulls me in. Booker is guarded. It's going to take some work to get past his hardened exterior to reach his gooey inner self.

Griffen's phone vibrates. He smiles softly at the screen. "Kage is teaching Fin his dance routine in case he can't perform. He said Booker is his official understudy because Fin can't get the hip roll down just right. Booker is a natural while Fin is too much work, according to him." I smile at his words with him. "Avery will pick up Booker and Ajax when they arrive at the airport. For now, he is enjoying watching the other two while working on Kage's financials for his strip club. Looks like we have the house to ourselves until late."

Perfect because I'm so horny—I want the Demon Commander.

I move, straddling him after setting my book aside. I placed a bookmark in his book and set it on the coffee table along with the phone I removed from his hands. "I vote since we have the house to ourselves, we get to know each other carnally." I kiss him.

His hands thread my pink hair. He pulls my head back to nip, lick, and kiss my neck. "You're mine tonight, Sunflower," he growls against my skin before biting my neck hard. His tongue soothes the stinge from his teeth.

A vision pops into my head. It's Griffen with white hair and glowing red eyes. A hood and scythe in hand. When he turns, his skeleton shows through. A set of raven wings curl around him that brush the floor and even the bones show in those as well. Souls seem to be coming out of his wings like steam, only to be reabsorbed by his glowing scythe.

The image is shattered when his hand disappears up my dress and into the front of my lace underwear. His fingers stroke my clit. I throw my head back, my hips grinding into his hand.

When I reach for the waistband of his jeans so I can stroke his member, one hand leaves my hair, snatching my wrist with his hooded amethyst gaze. "I can't," he croaks.

Can't what? Can't have sex? Can't have me touching him? What?!

I can respect him enough to not push on his boundaries, so my hands cup his face. I lean in, tangling our tongues together. As the kiss deepens, my hands slide into his hair. His free hand grips the back of my neck while the other continues its assault on my clit until his fingers are inside of me, delving and curling to caress my insides. Until my inner walls are milking his fingers as I orgasm, his mouth swallowing my cry.

"I want to see all of you. I've fantasized about the curves of your body. Of what how you taste." He inserts his two fingers that were inside me into his mouth. My eyes widen. "Decadent," he purrs. "I'm going to fuck you on this couch fully clothed. Then, I'm taking you to my room, where I will have you all to myself. When the others come home, I'm making sure they understand who owns this body tonight. You will scream and moan my name only."

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