Chapter 1: pilot

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Jet's POV:

I have been on this boat for days. I wasn't told much about where I was going. But since there was a mix of fire nation soldiers with earth bender soldiers it only made sense where I was being taken.

The fire nation.

My body hurts but I can't let them see I'm weak. I refuse.

I thought I was going to die.
I was ready.
To finally reunite with my family again.

Instead I woke up covered with bandages. It's like they knew death was too kind. So here I am back in this hell.

The boat stunk of sweat as they tried to fit many prisoners in here.
I feel nauseous.


She probably hates me. I don't blame her but she rots in my brain. Giving me some sort of comfort that someone like me knew her.

I'm sorry.

The noise of bells ringing loudly brought my attention back to reality. Back to this dreadful boat.

Miserable. It's all I feel.

Normal POV

The boat the prisoners on were now heading to one of the newly opened fire nation prisons. Khazumin Facility.

Due to the increase in the number of prisoners in Ba Sing Se the fire nation has taken in a number of earth prisoners to keep as workers to help manufacture more products for the fire nation military.

Rai Khazumin head of the Khazumin family was warden here. He was also your father. You were the youngest daughter of 2 boys, Noya and Kai. And you also had a sweet mother named Shaya who is currently in a coma for the last 6 years now.

She was expecting a child but got ill during her pregnancy to a very rare condition that is still unknown to the highly skilled doctors within the fire nation.

The baby she carried had died too devastating your family.

Nothing has ever been the same.

Ever since she was put in a coma for those 6 years, changed your father in ways making him harsher and more cold.

Any sort of love he had died slowly ever since she was put in a coma and eventually lost all hope in her ever waking up.

She was dead to him.

Your brothers were part of the elite soldiers who worked directly for the fire king. They were never around.

It was only you and your father.

For the last 4 years your life changed as you were forced to grow up not experiencing your teenage years like most kids your age.

You loved your father despite his lack of love towards you. Under that thick iron wall of his he was still the kind loving father you remembered.

You were on top of all your studies and bending which was a good distraction for you about how lonely you were.

You ended up leaving and graduating a year early and was taken in to be a lieutenant under your father's prison.

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